Sunday, December 15, 2013

Il Nuovo Members 4 posts

Il Nuovo Members 4 posts
Here we just happened that we fell clutch all the way! I'll be back home a moment ago, and as dark as I changed gear, let the clutch normally has tapped something with pedals. Of course I thought I'd let the pedal as fast and is tapped by something! After a few hundred meters trying to stop but could not find her clutch WTF, turn off the car and looked to be taped pedal all the way down, trying to bring it back with no problems going al the other extreme, bart a little more to get hold of the steering bart wheel! There is no resistance in either direction! Clutch I intended them has changed for some time but here I have arrived! To make matters worse, tomorrow is Sunday nothing works, I would like to hear someone your opinion what could it be? Back to top
Check the level of brake fluids .... if I remember having a common fluid clutches and brakes ... (provided that no cable can not remember) .. if you miss a cylinder of liquid fell .... that bucket or dif heard someone krljanje before that and so on ... Back to top
Now I have reviewed any what happened bart This rubber ring that I have identified an arrow is dropped, and the pedals are simply separated from the cylinder I am now back on the pedal without the cylinder, tie wire srmat to stand up provg masters? and what I was to do, whether I should take asd cylinder kit for this or? Back to top
I believe by now you've solved the problem but I happened to like-broke the fuse (like the spring) and put me majtor stronger Claw and now I drive it for half a year. Do any of you know what could be the cause if the engine is cold I have a problem that I switch from the first to the second. I need to press clutch to pathos. Back to top
I need to press clutch to pathos. bart Do not be mad, but you learn so when school yourself to get into the car for the first time behind the wheel ... thick oil when it's cold and a little "drag" gear pairs on beams ... which essentially shows that not enough stiskas bart ie corporation shall not be separated sufficiently Back to top
Now I have reviewed any what happened This rubber ring that I have identified an arrow is dropped, and the pedals are simply separated from the cylinder I am now back on the pedal without the cylinder, tie wire srmat to stand up provg masters? and what I was to do, whether I should take asd cylinder kit for this or? Do you have a special in-store to buy the new rubber ring which was commemorated in the picture? Back to top
I have a Mare 1.9 JTD, 2002god and two days ago I started the car to work a little, out of the speed and let the clutch. When I pressed it again to walk half goes in the blank, you little finger to push and a half has little resistance but is again very soft. Also not in gear, began to pioneer. I figured it was the cold because I was not driving the car about a week, just fallen twice a day, and let the engine warm up a bit to zagrejao and clutch but it, too. Then I tried to nadruki, I press it a 20-30 times and then recovered slightly, almost as if it was normal and normal speeds go. The next day the same story, halfway idling than half have little resistance bart and not in speed. Could it be that the cable from the clutch froze, if at all there marea, or something similar? Please note that the clutch would be that it changed recently, I almost took the car, because when I bought it was totally bart caught on the bottom, just a little let him moving bart and not hard.
At this Marei should be hydraulic clutch so there can be up to cable. Verify if there is enough oil in the pan and that there are some stains of oil under the car because it is possible that a rubber cylinder abated. bart Back to top
Well before 10-15 days were almost at maximum brake oil and since then we stand in the place just fallen every day, I only awarded oil for power because it was at minimum a month ago. And what happens to these cylinder bart clutch, do the repairs or changes, how much does it cost and what do I need to master before or will be able to drive a little when the temperature is around 0 or above? Back to top
If you get the kit drukanje replace oil in the clutch ... it never changes no one in the lower cylinder assembled a backwater and the cold time fathers that does not work .... can you and I and you can master it poveris job .. if you said that is for replacement ask him to first replace bart oil and bleed the clutch that you would not take money. Cylinders shall not be repaired but changed ... for the lower gearbox is removed Caska oces If I do something, you can not let science do not need to lift any spec tool. Back to top
So it came to him as a seasonal bart breakdown - winter? What does it mean now to be about 0 and plus I'll be able to drive. bart And as soon I plan to go to the service of everything, so I'll leave it to the master to look at it and replace oil. Thank Back to top
Then I change it now when I'm doing a service. Thank Back to top

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