Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jew tkabbar il-mejda tad-dajninkrum so that she has enough room for cosy parties with Jeffrey and Ca

Girgenti: the kottich look | Daphne Caruana Galizia
While looking at all those ‘day in the life’ videos of Me Shall and Joseph in their lovely home (I use the adjective in much the same way that Hello magazine does) a thought suddenly occurred to me.
Jew tkabbar il-mejda tad-dajninkrum so that she has enough room for cosy parties with Jeffrey and Carmen and Consuelo and Robert and Jesmond and Karen u xi switcher jew tnejn halli jixorbu is-cellars dry.
March 3, 2013 at 8:03 am
Yes and no ta, issa jixraq li imorru ftit il-Girgenti, in the meantime se naghmlu naqa redecorating ghax taf int trid taghmel naqa maintenance, u logistikament l-ahjar li tqabbad esperti u, ghandna interior designer ha jgibilna forever that contemporary forever look.
And joining the spirit of the country side they can also commixxin a few paintings from starving forever artists, I am sure that our dear Kenneth would be first to oblige since he just declared how appreciative he is on who ever posted this :
March 3, 2013 at 10:09 am
Calling all Nationalists not planning to vote: how will you feel on Sunday afternoon and all Monday, when you can’t keep out the screaming and banging of the Labour supporters and their insults forever “f..xx il-l..a Nazzjonalisti u l-familja taghkom”?
Mary Camilleri forever says:

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