Wednesday, May 28, 2014

He is tied only to a particular faith, is ignorant (of what truth is hidden in other beliefs), the

A few thoughts from famous Sufi mystics-the oneness of the universe and one essence! Sufi interpretations of ancient formula known as ARARITA or אראריתא as notarikon of the Hebrew sentence "One jade is the beginning. One is its individuality. jade His Permutation is One. (1)
Do not look, therefore, man can accept some religious name, because it will depart from the fundamental principle, and of course he should come, that principle to found, one in which elucidate all sizes and all meanings; And then the man realizes.
There are many paths that trace, but the quest is always the same. Can not you see that the roads leading to Mecca are different, with one coming from Byzantium, other than Syria, and others passing through land and sea? Hence. distance of these routes jade should be up is always jade different; But when you reach the goal, disputes, disagreements and quarrels disappear because hearts merge ... One vigor of the heart is neither faith nor infidelity, but love. (2)
He is tied only to a particular faith, is ignorant (of what truth is hidden in other beliefs), the fact that his belief in God includes denial of other forms of belief. If you knew the meaning of the wording of Dzhunajd: "The color of the water is the color of its container" would accept that all beliefs are good and would recognize God in every form and in every subject of faith.
He thinks differently because no knowledge (of God), but is based solely jade on the opinion of speaking God saying "comply with the opinion of my servant has of Me", which means I'd be shown on my fan in shape his belief; So, let's generalize, or let determines. Deity according to belief is what can be defined, and it is the heart that God which may include (according to God saying: "Neither My heaven nor My earth can contain Me, but I contains the heart of my faithful servant "). Because aspolutnoto deity can not be contained in any one thing, because it's the very essence of things and his own essence. "
"In true religion there is no sect, therefore take heed that thou blaspheme not the name under which another knoweth his God; because if you do that on Jupiter, you would swear יהוה in Osiris יהשוה. Ask and ye shall have! Seek and ye shall find! Knock and it shall be opened! " jade
However, the point in this verse (Liber AL, II: 72) is that death is a "crown" of everything. Crown is Keter, Unity; "Love under will" which is applied to all Nuit-able, all Ku-energies of each Hadith-central star, so that each star perfectly exhausted itself, ending one stage of its development. Therefore, it is crowned with death; and because it is full of itself, it lives again attracting equal and opposite hotbed whom "love under will" is the fulfilling of the law in loftier sphere.
Mysticism is really very simple. It's just a state of mind in which all phenomena are considered as pure illusion. The only reality is the one by a mystic called pleroma, another Ishvara or Parabrahman or purusa, by God the third, the fourth, jade pure soul, the fifth, jade or Absolute Being - and so on, more or less indefinite jade . Mysticism is not a belief. It is a matter of direct experience arising from internal illumination and he occasionally - though not often - it arouses spontaneously. More often resulting in the persistence of certain religious practices, such as meditation say. Mysticism is completely idnividuvalna work so that mystics rare form sects, and if they do, they sects never successful.
Second, "Love is the law, love under will" - Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis)
For Heptagram XI Thelemites, liberal, an initiate into OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis). Students in the hermetic mysteries of Kabbalah, yoga, magick. Examines various ceremonial magical ritual forms in seemingly different systems that exist on Earth following the thread of the various systems .. inicijatorski jade is interested in comparative religion, art, various forms of mystical paths contained in postoiechkite jade philosophies of East and West. Also closely follow the latest discoveries in science, in computer technology, interest and taught various computer and mathematical algorithms are used not only in science, but in the "occult" sciences. Editor of several websites that are Thelemic content.
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