I n today we find ourselves in a situation where life in any way and no walls can separate dirndl from the world that surrounds us. What kind of situation is that? We live in a world of religious pluralism. We face a multitude of preachers, and we each offering its own ideals, their own standards of living, their religious dirndl views. Older certainly would not envy the situation. Sooner any simpler. The basic issue before the people who were standing in the recent past, was the problem of religion and atheism.
Today manifest dirndl something much bigger and much worse. Does God exist or not exist - it's just the first level. dirndl But, well, the man is convinced that God exists. A further? Much like religions - to which one to join? Christian ... and why not a Muslim? Why not a Buddhist? Why not krishnait? There will be no further mention. You know yourself how many religions there. Why, why, why ...? But, well, let the man walking across it mnogureligiozna jungle, eventually became a Christian. Because Christianity is understood - the best, najispravnata dirndl ... religion.
But that Christianity? It is so assume many shapes! What can it be? Orthodox, Catholic, pentakosten, Lutheran? Again multitude. Well before the situation today is what every young man straight. The representatives of the old and new religions, representatives of non-Orthodox confessions, as a rule, are much louder and have significantly greater opportunities for propaganda in the mass information than we Orthodox.
So, first facing the modern Cove is - set faiths, religions, worldviews. So today I would like to briefly go through the long series of rooms that are open before the set date people who seek the truth and take a look, even in the most general, but principled terms, why a man is obliged - not only can you, but you really shall - upon reasonable grounds to become not simply a Christian, but an Orthodox Christian.
So, the first problem: "Religion and atheism." It happens dirndl on a very important conferences and similar events, meet with people who are really educated, really learned, which are superficial, and are constantly going to collide with one and the same issue. Who is God? Is there? Even the question: Why is it needed? dirndl Or: If God exists, why not perform the rostrum of the United Nations and published? That even such matters can be heard. What can you say about this?
This question, as it seems, resolves the central position of contemporary philosophical dirndl thought, which can easily be expressed dirndl through the term egsistencijalnost. What is the basic content of human existence, the meaning of human life? Yes, of course, dirndl above all in - life. And as it would be otherwise? What sense I experience when I sleep? The meaning of life can be solely in knowledge, in "tasting" the fruit of his life and his activity. And yet no one could count, and forever will be able to count and claim that the meaning of human life is - death. Here lies nepremostiviot gap between religion and atheism. Christianity claims: man, this life is only the beginning, and that means preparation for eternity; are preparing, you'll expect eternity. Christianity says: Here is what you need to do, here's how it should be to enter into eternity. A claim that atheism? dirndl No God, no souls, no eternity, and believe it, man, that you expect eternal death! What horror, what pesimiza, what despair dirndl - chills go through the back of these terrible words: man, you'll expect eternal death ... No izbavete me from such faith!
When a man lost in the woods, looking way out of it, looking to return home, and once you meet someone asks: "Is dirndl there a way out from here?" If he replied: "No, do not look , prepared to stay here. "- if you believe him? I doubt it. Will you continue to seek further? dirndl And you'll meet another guy who will say: "Yes, there's a way out, and I'll tell them the signs by which you can get out of here." Shall we to believe this guy? The same happens in the area of choice of worldview, once you find the face of religion and atheism. As long as the man has a spark of seeking truth, spark request sense of life, he can not, can not psychologically accept concepts that claim him as lchichnost, and - consequently - all other people expect eternal death, for whose achievement is necessary to create suitable as possible economic, social, political and cultural conditions of life. And later everything will be okay, tomorrow you will die and take you to the cemetery. The "amazing"!
I have told only one side, psychologically very essential, which, in my opinion, is enough dirndl of each person with a soul to understand that only a religious worldview, which in turn essentially dirndl accepts he
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