Thursday, May 29, 2014

Apple does not believe that a simple game can deal with serious topics like religion and sex. The c

Apple: do not play to criticize a religion, write a better book on the subject -
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Apple does not believe that a simple game can deal with serious topics like religion and sex. The company advises that podobro developers to write a book on the topic, or medical applications, because such serious issues require more attention.
"We are reviewing applications from different books and songs that do not track. If you want to criticize a religion, write a book. If you want to describe sex, write a book or a song, or create a medical application. It can become complicated, but we decided to not allow certain content in App Store ".
This recommendation, along with many others standing in the App Store rules that can prochitate here. The rules are "in force" for several years, but it recently opened theme is that Apple banned a few games that relate ice to the current religious and political ice conflicts. Recently Endgame: Syria was rejected by Apple because it is made for the military conflict in the Middle East. Strategy which examines the possible terminations of the present war was welcomed by players and some media, but according to Apple, it is against the rules because "targets culture and real government." Endgame: Syria's HTML5 game, which means you can play through the browser on iOS.
Some iOS games developers agree with Apple. Kreatorot of Braid, Jonathan Blow, that while Apple takes the wrong position on the games, part of the blame lies with developers who make simple commercial games which can not cope with public discourse and serious ice topics. ice
Venture Beat writes that Apple's rules are simple, pokonverzaciski written to be understood by most developers. So this passage about religion and sex is perhaps a warning from Apple that controversial topics that may disturb users will be put under scrutiny, and possibly rejected. But the blog also says that Apple may have double standards because the freedom to publish controversial books as to believe that games can be a good tool for criticism.
Posted by Viktor Viktor Dano Dano is editor of since the beginning of the portal. Believes that new and traditional media need to cooperate, and it is important to get the right information to the audience. An avid fan of Liverpool FC and hooked on Discovery and National ice Geographics. Website Twitter E-mail Google+
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