Saturday, May 31, 2014

In addition, Francis Pope also explained that there are two samples of persons: a sweet, humble, op

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In addition, Francis Pope also explained that there are two samples of persons: a sweet, humble, open to the Holy Spirit, and the other is the proud and arrogant. calypso He said these people against faith because they "think they know everything," thus separating themselves from others.
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Friday, May 30, 2014

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1. Fought a good fight retrospect believer's life and follow his Lord, Mr. Paul wrote: I have fought the good fight (Ti II Timothy 4:7). The spiritual father advised him to go Timothy Ti for the faith which fought a good fight.
Mr. Paul's fought a good fight image depicts a maximum effort boxers anf in the ring to win. The Christian faith is not only not only strengthen that faith need to fight, suffer to protect their faith.
The Christian "hit" the enemy is Satan, not "hit" each other. Join forces with allies, the Christian battle against the flesh and the devil to protect their faith, defend the truth and not believe you're anf up to the ring against anf each other. If not fought a good fight, faith will be weakened anf or disappeared because of the destruction of Satan.
Now let us fight to capture eternal life, as the child has been referred to, ie seize, retain to enjoy eternal life. In other words, anf people have eternal life to win and hold on to this life experience.
3. Battle Testifying good faith to protect not only the relationship between us and the God who calls and gives us eternal anf life, but also the relationship between our with people around.
In the fight for the faith, we are witnesses surrounded by such a great cloud. They are the team, the same people of faith, and fought a good fight. anf There are also those who do not believe God is watching our faith.
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27 minutes ago - hypocrisy of humanity 47 minutes ago - Skopje streets of Hell ... 1 hour ago - Internet cookies ("cookies") 1 hour ago - What are the tourists who spend the most? 1 hour ago - grow the economy of the powerful Swiss 9 hours ago - (VIDEO) lock the keys in the car? Here's how to open the door! 10 hours ago - (PHOTO) type of power: How people see in the picture? 10 hours ago - Several easy tenants 10 hours ago - (PHOTO) hobo Obrenovac after the apocalypse hobo 11 hours ago - (PHOTO) volcano Kosel - cause for concern or disinformation? 12 hours ago - WAR: Ukrainian pro-Russian separatists crashed helicopter! 12 hours ago - (VIDEO) These playful babies will beautify day 12 hours ago - have stretch marks on your body? Here's a cure for them! 12 hours ago - Here is how the new Lumia 530 looks 13 hours ago - natural cure for high blood pressure 13 hours ago - Naroden hobo fiber preparation against a person 14 hours ago - Here are the places that these days there will be an outage 14 hours ago - On Saturday Pool opens 14 hours ago Airport - (VIDEO) promoted new video Colic "Vatra and gunpowder" hobo 15 hours ago - Centar will subsidize up to 3000 denars for every new bike purchased 18 hours ago - SDSM: Bocevski by Minister threatens hobo party 19 hours ago - Green tea and soy pressure under control 19 hours ago - Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan established the Eurasian Economic Union 20 hours ago - LG is preparing 6 - inch Quad HD screen Before 20 hours - Minister: SDSM deputies are chosen to take an advance payment and stay at home 20 hours ago - Interview hobo Tanya Karakamiseva-Jovanovska SDSM policy takes child's play! 21 hours ago - Increase in life insurance policies, a sign of economic recovery! 21 hours ago - (PHOTO) yesterday officially opened Park Residence! hobo 21 hours ago - Three days until the end of the campaign: "Everyone has a happy day Ramstore Mall" 22 hours ago - "LUKOIL" with a new gas station in Skopje
Ubostite and joys during religious festivities are part of vernikoviot life and especially during the celebration of important events versni believers are filled with happiness and serenity, rejoicing all the small, big and important things that happen during religious holidays. These are moments that fill the soul with bliss of every sincere believer, moments when a smile is a permanent decoration hobo on the faces of the faithful, open hearts, kindness hobo spread the words addressed to every well-wisher and serenity and tranquility decorate anyone who honestly and pure heart and soul celebrate their religion. Moral norms and values, with all its tenets are part of a specific religious celebration, starting from values such as honesty, sincerity, pravdoljubivosta, truthfulness, respect, benefits, welfare and many other values that should be guiding star in the life of every believer.
Do you sincerely celebrate religious holidays? Are moral discourse dominates the celebration of important events that are part of orthodox Christianity? Are conscious act when celebrating religious holidays? Are all features in that part of vernikovite hobo behaviors hobo and famous works can rightly and without sin tronka to be called hobo true believers? Not only were many of these issues I imposed these days and certainly brought about marking religious holiday celebrating the Epiphany. Honestly, at times even felt offended by the behavior of certain people who tronka without remorse (which probably was halted them in that inner judge is in deep hibernation) relate absolutely contrary and contradictory of what is required in their religion . I will try in this context to translate a saying from our neighbor I ate alien shame .... What is happening in some cities, and the main characters were called believers hobo is far from religious and moral value. Thus not only does not deserve the epithet to call believers, on the contrary, without tronka side will call them infidels, hobo skvernavci own religion or perhaps harsh to express myself, but sociological language of Barack Henri-religious-moral pathologists. hobo
Zgranati, impressed and remained speechless all real ver

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Apple does not believe that a simple game can deal with serious topics like religion and sex. The c

Apple: do not play to criticize a religion, write a better book on the subject -
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Apple does not believe that a simple game can deal with serious topics like religion and sex. The company advises that podobro developers to write a book on the topic, or medical applications, because such serious issues require more attention.
"We are reviewing applications from different books and songs that do not track. If you want to criticize a religion, write a book. If you want to describe sex, write a book or a song, or create a medical application. It can become complicated, but we decided to not allow certain content in App Store ".
This recommendation, along with many others standing in the App Store rules that can prochitate here. The rules are "in force" for several years, but it recently opened theme is that Apple banned a few games that relate ice to the current religious and political ice conflicts. Recently Endgame: Syria was rejected by Apple because it is made for the military conflict in the Middle East. Strategy which examines the possible terminations of the present war was welcomed by players and some media, but according to Apple, it is against the rules because "targets culture and real government." Endgame: Syria's HTML5 game, which means you can play through the browser on iOS.
Some iOS games developers agree with Apple. Kreatorot of Braid, Jonathan Blow, that while Apple takes the wrong position on the games, part of the blame lies with developers who make simple commercial games which can not cope with public discourse and serious ice topics. ice
Venture Beat writes that Apple's rules are simple, pokonverzaciski written to be understood by most developers. So this passage about religion and sex is perhaps a warning from Apple that controversial topics that may disturb users will be put under scrutiny, and possibly rejected. But the blog also says that Apple may have double standards because the freedom to publish controversial books as to believe that games can be a good tool for criticism.
Posted by Viktor Viktor Dano Dano is editor of since the beginning of the portal. Believes that new and traditional media need to cooperate, and it is important to get the right information to the audience. An avid fan of Liverpool FC and hooked on Discovery and National ice Geographics. Website Twitter E-mail Google+
Popular Articles Two developers from Skopje kraudfanding require assistance to get the course in San Francisco 15 Makedonskiot startups G6 Solutions entered the final of the Shift Conference in Split 8 Croatian-Macedonian startups ice u: Plug will revolutionize home

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

He is tied only to a particular faith, is ignorant (of what truth is hidden in other beliefs), the

A few thoughts from famous Sufi mystics-the oneness of the universe and one essence! Sufi interpretations of ancient formula known as ARARITA or אראריתא as notarikon of the Hebrew sentence "One jade is the beginning. One is its individuality. jade His Permutation is One. (1)
Do not look, therefore, man can accept some religious name, because it will depart from the fundamental principle, and of course he should come, that principle to found, one in which elucidate all sizes and all meanings; And then the man realizes.
There are many paths that trace, but the quest is always the same. Can not you see that the roads leading to Mecca are different, with one coming from Byzantium, other than Syria, and others passing through land and sea? Hence. distance of these routes jade should be up is always jade different; But when you reach the goal, disputes, disagreements and quarrels disappear because hearts merge ... One vigor of the heart is neither faith nor infidelity, but love. (2)
He is tied only to a particular faith, is ignorant (of what truth is hidden in other beliefs), the fact that his belief in God includes denial of other forms of belief. If you knew the meaning of the wording of Dzhunajd: "The color of the water is the color of its container" would accept that all beliefs are good and would recognize God in every form and in every subject of faith.
He thinks differently because no knowledge (of God), but is based solely jade on the opinion of speaking God saying "comply with the opinion of my servant has of Me", which means I'd be shown on my fan in shape his belief; So, let's generalize, or let determines. Deity according to belief is what can be defined, and it is the heart that God which may include (according to God saying: "Neither My heaven nor My earth can contain Me, but I contains the heart of my faithful servant "). Because aspolutnoto deity can not be contained in any one thing, because it's the very essence of things and his own essence. "
"In true religion there is no sect, therefore take heed that thou blaspheme not the name under which another knoweth his God; because if you do that on Jupiter, you would swear יהוה in Osiris יהשוה. Ask and ye shall have! Seek and ye shall find! Knock and it shall be opened! " jade
However, the point in this verse (Liber AL, II: 72) is that death is a "crown" of everything. Crown is Keter, Unity; "Love under will" which is applied to all Nuit-able, all Ku-energies of each Hadith-central star, so that each star perfectly exhausted itself, ending one stage of its development. Therefore, it is crowned with death; and because it is full of itself, it lives again attracting equal and opposite hotbed whom "love under will" is the fulfilling of the law in loftier sphere.
Mysticism is really very simple. It's just a state of mind in which all phenomena are considered as pure illusion. The only reality is the one by a mystic called pleroma, another Ishvara or Parabrahman or purusa, by God the third, the fourth, jade pure soul, the fifth, jade or Absolute Being - and so on, more or less indefinite jade . Mysticism is not a belief. It is a matter of direct experience arising from internal illumination and he occasionally - though not often - it arouses spontaneously. More often resulting in the persistence of certain religious practices, such as meditation say. Mysticism is completely idnividuvalna work so that mystics rare form sects, and if they do, they sects never successful.
Second, "Love is the law, love under will" - Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis)
For Heptagram XI Thelemites, liberal, an initiate into OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis). Students in the hermetic mysteries of Kabbalah, yoga, magick. Examines various ceremonial magical ritual forms in seemingly different systems that exist on Earth following the thread of the various systems .. inicijatorski jade is interested in comparative religion, art, various forms of mystical paths contained in postoiechkite jade philosophies of East and West. Also closely follow the latest discoveries in science, in computer technology, interest and taught various computer and mathematical algorithms are used not only in science, but in the "occult" sciences. Editor of several websites that are Thelemic content.
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An interesting fact is that the famous singer was repeatedly in contact with communities

The famous American rapper, formally inviting West has received confirmation that the followers in the true sense of the word. Fans of the rapper made a new religion in which a central lk bennett place has exactly that, so the new Bible course called lk bennett Dzhizeniti.
The official portal Dzhizeniti new religion, the faithful lk bennett fans of the rapper shared his views about beliefs, but the one thing everyone is unanimous, inviting West is their one and only God, and believed himself to have been confirmed by the song I am God.
"Dzhizeniti church is the best religion that has ever existed. We are people who believe that inviting lk bennett a divine being who God has chosen as his deputy in this era," explains vividly followers.
An interesting fact is that the famous singer was repeatedly in contact with communities "Illuminati" and "Company of skulls and bones," and he often manifested emphasized religious behavior in public.
From the text of his song you can hear that he already he sold his soul to the devil, and his official website recently had the logo "Society of skulls and bones," which officially is a right and pointed religizno fraternal association of University Yale.
This wedding seemed 2014 Net Euromedia, Skopje. All rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

But it is not a Christian ideal, which can briefly be described as a relentless struggle and battle

The religion of the future - St. Seraphim Rose St. Prohor
W nachaen fact regarding the spiritual condition of modern humanity is that "charismatic" iskutva and experiences of "meditation" take root among "Christians". The impact of eastern religions indisputably progresses between such "Christians", but this is just a result of something more fundamental: tunnel the very loss of feeling and flavor of Christianity, thanks to you, something so alien to Christianity as Eastern "meditation" can capture the "Christian" souls.
Life in self-sufficiency and focus only on yourself, that live most of today's "Christians" are so penetrating, so that effectively sealed away from any spiritual tunnel understanding of the spiritual life; and when these people start with the "spiritual life", it is another form of masturbation. This can be seen quite clearly in the totally false religious ideal and "charismatic" movement and various forms of "Christian tunnel Meditation": each of these forms promise (and give very quickly) experience the "pleasure" and "peace".
But it is not a Christian ideal, which can briefly be described as a relentless struggle and battle. "Satisfaction" and "peace" that are described in these modern "spiritual" movements are clearly the product of spiritual self-deception, spiritual self-satisfaction, which in turn are absolute death to God directional spiritual tunnel life. All these forms of "Christian meditation" tunnel act ssamo the psychological level and have nothing at all zaednichkok with Christian spirituality.
Christian spirituality tunnel is shaped by hard struggle to obtain the eternal kingdom of Heaven in fullest begins only with the rejection of this temporary world and the real Christian Fighter never found peace, tunnel even in predvkusovite of eternal bliss, which they could worthy in this life; while Eastern religions, the kingdom of heaven that does not eotkrieno, tunnel tend only to gain psychological tunnel states that begin and end in this life.
In our time of apostasy which precedes the appearance of the Antichrist, the devil is released at a specific time (Rev. 20:7) making false wonders who could not do during the "thousand tunnel years" of Grace in Christ Church (Rev. 20:3), and to fit into their hellish harvest those souls, who "received not the love of the truth" (2 Sol. 2:10).
We can say that the time of Antichrist is really close with the fact that this satanic harvest is collected only among the Gentiles, who have not heard of Christ, but also among "Christians" who have lost their flavor of Christianity. The very nature of the Antichrist is to present the kingdom of the devil, as if Christ's kingdom. The current "charismatic" movement and "Christian Meditation" and "new religious consciousness" that are its constituent parts, are a harbinger of the future of religion, the religion of humanity tunnel last, the religion of the antichrist and their main "spiritual" function is to Christians available for demonic initiation, which is limited tunnel to bezbozhnichkiot world.
Let them take that often these "religious experiments" are temporary and a search of nature, that they at least have a psychological self-deception, as it has in the source demonic rite of initiation; There is no doubt that anyone who successfully "meditate" or thinks received "Baptism by the spirit" tunnel in reality received initiation into the kingdom of the devil. But it is the goal of these "experiments" and there is no doubt that the initiation techniques will become even more effective as humanity is becoming better prepared for them, the attitudes of passivity and openness to new "religious experiences" that are grounded in these movements.
What brought humanity-and indeed "Christianity"-to this desperate situation? Certainly not openly worship tunnel the devil, who is always restricted to a limited number of people; the issue is something bittersweet, shrewder, tunnel something scary for reasonable Orthodox Christian even thinking; That is the loss of God's grace that follows after losing the flavor of Christianity. The West certainly God's grace is lost centuries ago. Roman Catholics and Protestants today do not fully experience God's grace, so it is not surprising that they are unable to detect this demonic lie.
But anyway! The success of false spirituality even among Orthodox Christians today, and reveals how they have also lost the taste for Christianity and are more able to distinguish between true and false, pseudo-Christianity. Taking the long Orthodox for granted the precious treasure of their faith and zanemaruvale to use pure gold of their learning. There are so many Orthodox Christians and there are many basic texts of Orthodox spiritual life, learn exactly tunnel how

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mean ..... rejection of religion in everyday life and to marginalize the people to no differences i

Discussion in 'Religion' didi started by Röddást, August 10, 2011.
I did not know where to start this topic, here or in religion or in FiP forget so here. I do not know exactly how to start but here are examples from everyday life. Historical conflicts where religion different from that represented enemies. Terrorist attack by al-Qaeda to a Christian didi church. Murder of a young Muslim boy from a group of young radical Christians just because of his religious beliefs. Everyday conflicts between Jews and Muslims in Israel and Palestine. Small conflicts didi in the Western world between indigenous people and European newcomers members of another religion. The hatred between each other from different religious groups. How to solve it? Is there a solution? Will subside two most common solutions that are in conflict with one another. One is to accept all other religion and rituals, beliefs and views, which brings with it the religion, a religion that believe in other people and to enhance tolerance between people, the only difference is religion. Thus there would be more tolerance and differences between people could be reduced with respect and tolerance towards different from themselves. The other is more radical and mean rejection of religion didi in everyday didi life and to marginalize the people to no differences in this part and finally start something where people can share how different and certainly less conflict in the world have. What do you think: both of which offered the best solution? Do you have another solution? Or do you think that there is no solution?
How to solve it? Is there a solution?
Click for more ... There are - to abolish all religions which are based on self-denial and restriction of basic human traits and instincts. didi Any religion that claims it is only right for all, and the rest are false in the service of manipulation and repression. They feed on human fears and hopes, and generate didi divisions and conflicts, limit and hinder mankind. In my second option is definitely the right one:
Mean ..... rejection of religion in everyday life and to marginalize the people to no differences in this part and finally start something where people can share how different and certainly less conflict in the world have.
Tolerance is not a solution didi to any problem, tolerating something you considered to endure didi to have peace. In no case is a long-term solution. It takes understanding to come to some kind of peace. didi Understanding the religious fundamentalci not find because their view of themselves is based on the idea of a god, if that idea wobble recognition and "understanding" didi of other gods, or its absence, then I am the only person that will shake. Because so tightly cling to their beliefs. All other believers are no different than others because their life is not really revolve only around their religion, they are not a problem. Rejection of religion is a natural process, if you start violently didi executed will not have the same effect. There are more atheists because didi of advances in technology and the widespread availability of information, and the separation of church and state in the western world.
Religious conflicts are just a cover for conflicts between naciiite (nationalities). If there is no religion again there are conflicts, because they are not only due to the differences between religions, but because razlichnotite between nations. If a radical Islamist killed in the name of jihad, after some time to discover, learn the truth about religions and realizes that God does not exist, will continue to kill or stop? I think that will continue, will find another reason, differences between nations.
I understand why people use the second option is more effective. It is sad that religion is used - segragacijata. Positive things like - inner peace and tranquility, which some can attain only through religion overlooked. Former and current practices are sufficient .. more to scare people and to reject didi religion. To apply the second didi solution and no more religious conflicts will find other reasons for divisions and fears. If you want to find another way not to flow with milk and honey if no religion. A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.
Vojna.I didi this great war will solve sve.Ubavo said person above me (if it is) rejecting religion is a natural proces.Ama if we wait we also have to iznachekame nevivini and many lives will fade and if you have any effect.If forcibly try to do it then it means the beginning of war in the same moment.Muslimanite not call all infidels who do not believe in their god, not hate toa.Zamislete now due to salts mind to leave their god and his Learning that he would rather kill themselves and I took their own lives rather than God to turn back and

Sunday, May 25, 2014

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Saturday, May 24, 2014

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"This is considered a duty imposed by our true religion on every Muslim, necessitating the prevention of any infidelity of our Prophet (peace be upon him) and to our true religion," according to a statement released by state news agency SPA.
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Ramadan fast is a challenge for players | victor hugo
Home News Macedonia Overseas Cash and knowledge recreation Sports Entertainment Scene Living Lifestyle Gastronomy Travel Toys Technology m2 Km / h Photo & Video unhealthy Editorials Photo Diary column, victor hugo written at night ... Wednesday Kolumnikulum Vita Sport Interviews
Players are performing their duties around victor hugo the club, but have a special diet and fluid intake. Teams wishing to curb their players daily to examine blood, their physical and mental readiness.
Ramadan fasting victor hugo this year began on July 9 and will run until August 7. During this period, players should refrain and control impulses for food, sex, smoking from dawn to dusk.
But most importantly, they should also refrain victor hugo from drinking water in the body of a professional athlete in these summer days can be fatal and lead to complete dehydration.
The former "Tottenham" and "Sevilla" victor hugo Frederick canoe, practiced the religion of its 20th year. According to Canoe, religion victor hugo never stood between him and his teammates and the coaching team, but when it came time to post pamazanskiot all full of questions and prejudices:
"The victor hugo first few times when I saw beg on their knees in the dressing room, looked at me as a terrorist, but soon realized that Islam is a religion like any other. I do not think as others see me. I'm just the way I am. "
The world of football has more Muslims. You can see on the ground with open palms as saying silent victor hugo prayers or celebrating goals knees touching the grass with her forehead. Ozil, Yaya and Kolo Toure, Samir Nasri, Nicolas victor hugo Anelka, Ibrahim Afelaj, Eric Abidal, Benzema, Edin Dzeko is perhaps most famous names.
In 2009, Jose Mourinho as coach on "Inter" find the wallpaper after Muntari out of play in a match against "Barry" and immediately said that Ramadan fasting najnepogodniot arrived in time. The statement welcomed all "knife", but Portugal quickly they responded with a statement: "Muntari known to work and religion should not mix. Religion is an intimate thing. I never said that we should forget about it and not practice. "
The former "WBA" and "Wigan", Nathan Ellington, embraced Islam before 8 years. He said the most difficult period in the season it is Ramadan fasting: "I will not say it is easy to starve and to play soccer, but you can get the necessary fluids and food in the meal before sunrise. victor hugo Only when all the match will go after lunch I have to go home and wait to come iftar (the meal after sunset). "
Many agree that fasting can be risky and problematic in this period of preparation of the players. There were no recommendations from UEFA for the players when it comes to this issue. Surely only one - that more and more players embrace this religion.
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Friday, May 23, 2014

.: Search. .: Categories:. Apologetics Sermons Essays Lives of the Saints Icons Interview instructe

Prohor Blog Orthodox view of Islam (Part 1) / / Google analytics code
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Daniel Priestly Sisoev known Russian theologian and apologists, missionary preacher of Orthodox Christianity among the Muslim people of the territory of the former Soviet Union. Because of its activity and outdoor educators debating with inovernite, after much criticism and threats made by Muslims, 19.11.2009 Year. was shot outside the church dedicated to St.. Thomas in Moscow, where sveshtenosluzheshe. Responsibility for the killing took radical Islamists from the Caucasus.
Today we will be talking about Islam as Islam. Certainly, the subject should talk, because many people do not know what is Islam; know anything about traditional religion, talking about ... well I'll talk about it, but talk about specific streams isabel marant that now exist within Islam, many people nesfakjajkji January realities, begin to say, "Well, we just Muslims carry out terrorist attacks, they are all terrorists "or vice versa:" None of them is a terrorist, because Muslims I know, not preparing attacks ". It is related to the fact that people do not know what the internal structure of the Islamic community, which in Arabic is called "Uma" [1]. We are able from the angle of the Lord God to assess the religious direction.
Why do I say "from the standpoint of God"? Because we, Christians, do try not to have their own point of view. That we are not interested in us. In the words of an English writer, "you can have a thousand points of view, until you find the truth. Then there will be only one point of view - right. "
First, we should say it is Islam. When talking about Islam, often begin as spoken to him about religion. Under the word "religion" means a particular religious organization, isabel marant church or sect - a religious organization where people gather to pray, to resolve spiritual issues.
In reality, it does not. Islam in this respect is very far from religion isabel marant in our traditional view. It is very important to remember, as we usually call it the talk of the "deaf telephone". When talking to Muslims, they tell us one, and we to them for another. We understand each other, because each under the same words included important totally different attitudes.
Well, recently a good man I propose to adopt Islam and elucidate why addressed and why Islam is the true religion. The man explained that Islam is the true religion because Muslims do not drink, do not do drugs, all their girls are innocent, are not allowed and debauchery because Islam religion is very good, the only hope of the human race advanced.
Although the facts say it is not true, though only because 80% of the heroin is grown in Islamic countries ... But the point is that man experiences Religion as a project of the earthly order. And, by the way, strongly marked feature. If you go online Islamic sajtvoi, we notice that most of the materials that are there are materials for landscaping of life for eastern cuisine market; that the norms of Sharia to the length of his beard, the length of trousers or anything - that sort of thing! isabel marant It is some attempt to globally edit the world, which are the basis of God's authority. In this sense, Islam more can not compare with the Church isabel marant - Orthodox or Roman Catholic - but projects as a national socialist, communist, current globalization. That is th

THE TAINTLESS Incarnation of God - recreation religion and culture

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THE TAINTLESS Incarnation of God - recreation religion and culture "Lord Kalki will be born in Sambhal village in the family of Vishnu ray ban wayfarer Yash Sharma. He will worship Savitri and Lord Parshuram, inhabitant of Mahendra Mountain will be his preceptor. Upon surrender of the Kingdom of Mathura to Suryaketu, then he will live in Haridwar (India) with his wife. Buddhists After fighting, he will re-establish the true religion in the world. "-KALKI PURAN" After Kali Yuga ends, religion ray ban wayfarer will decline, vanity will be increase in time, in order to encourage real Brahminhood, taintless the Incarnation of God will manifest. " -KALKI PURAN "Again Mathura will get credit ray ban wayfarer for encouraging religious revolution in the world and gives a new vision." -PARAMHANS RAJNARYAAN PATSHASTRI "An organization will destroy vile thinking worldwide ray ban wayfarer and will replace it with a thought revolution." - Kedar DATTA joshi "force that will give a new light to the world, already embodied in the world." GEORGE-Babri "O Arjun! My birth was not accidental." God Krishna "When righteousness declines and unrighteousness of ground rules the roost, I incarnate on earth for the upliftment of justice ray ban wayfarer and culture." -BHAGWAD GEETA Lord Krishna had incarnated on earth when injustice, injustice, terrorism etc. ruled the world. Brothers will kill each other, or brother killed his nephew shamelessly etc. Thus it is pain and sorrow everywhere. ray ban wayfarer A few extremely wealthy men lived in pomp and harassed predominantly downtrodden men of society. People forgot the true religion and faith in God. Lord Krishna had incarnated on earth at this time, so as to replace the difficult situation in the world with peace and prosperity. Even other incarnations of God before Lord Krishna replaced dire situations with recreation of the soul. They save the world humanity from drowning in darkness and the bleak materialism and thus exalted. This is described by Bheeshma of Mahabharat fame. After describing Krishna's incarnation, ray ban wayfarer Bheeshma said - "At the end of Kaliyuga (Dark Age), when justice will be reduced when vanity will increase, Krishna will again incarnate on earth to re-establish justice and truth Brahminhood. ray ban wayfarer He be "Vishnu Yasha", ie possess ray ban wayfarer the glory of God. Even demi-gods with their individual powers will manifest on earth in the incarnation of God as his assistants. ray ban wayfarer This is described in the Puranas. "For a more scientific literature pls visit http: / / and Circumstances today are more suitable for God incarnate on earth. In the first chapter of Kalki Purana (13-14), said that when Krishna entered his residence after completing his task on earth, justice, joy and peace of the country wins. That era ended and the new began. At the fag end of the previous period (end of Kaliyuga), due to mental taints the world humanity, sins were increased. Injustice is neither new or individual name. Instead, connotes sins, bad intentions, unruliness and social chaos. Wicked 'wife, Mithiya ie satisfying sinful desires due to the lie. Injustice and falsehood manifest vanity. Their daughter ray ban wayfarer is egoistic ray ban wayfarer showing off, false charges, blind fashion trends, desires etc. without ray ban wayfarer vanity and delusion neighborhood children called greed and debauchery. If they prevented, anger rise hood. This in turn encourages violence. Kaliyuga So is the confluence of a lie, vanity, greed, lust, violence etc. Men eat things they should not, their psyche is vile, their speech is false, their body emits a foul smell of alcohol, drugs, etc., they gamble a lot, they run for gold and money greedily and thus lose their youthful nature. When diseases are on the rise, when ignored Yajna, charity, austerity, gets distorted when the caste system when the brothers cut each others' throats when son loves his brother-in-law more than his brother, when the preceptor-student relationship is broken, when the so-called saints indulge in lust, greed, etc., when men and women marry their own, when there is no love lost for a parent when only one dress mode is given weightage, when true saints feet are worshiped and when all religious programs the world becomes chaotic, it means that Kaliyuga has reached its peak. At that time in the mud of Kaliyuga will bloom lotus called Nishkalank Avatar or incarnation Taintless. There is not much difference when you compare the circumstances today and those anticipated in the past. If we analyze today's so-called progress, we will

Thursday, May 22, 2014

But that Christianity? It is so assume many shapes! What can it be? Orthodox, Catholic, pentakosten

I n today we find ourselves in a situation where life in any way and no walls can separate dirndl from the world that surrounds us. What kind of situation is that? We live in a world of religious pluralism. We face a multitude of preachers, and we each offering its own ideals, their own standards of living, their religious dirndl views. Older certainly would not envy the situation. Sooner any simpler. The basic issue before the people who were standing in the recent past, was the problem of religion and atheism.
Today manifest dirndl something much bigger and much worse. Does God exist or not exist - it's just the first level. dirndl But, well, the man is convinced that God exists. A further? Much like religions - to which one to join? Christian ... and why not a Muslim? Why not a Buddhist? Why not krishnait? There will be no further mention. You know yourself how many religions there. Why, why, why ...? But, well, let the man walking across it mnogureligiozna jungle, eventually became a Christian. Because Christianity is understood - the best, najispravnata dirndl ... religion.
But that Christianity? It is so assume many shapes! What can it be? Orthodox, Catholic, pentakosten, Lutheran? Again multitude. Well before the situation today is what every young man straight. The representatives of the old and new religions, representatives of non-Orthodox confessions, as a rule, are much louder and have significantly greater opportunities for propaganda in the mass information than we Orthodox.
So, first facing the modern Cove is - set faiths, religions, worldviews. So today I would like to briefly go through the long series of rooms that are open before the set date people who seek the truth and take a look, even in the most general, but principled terms, why a man is obliged - not only can you, but you really shall - upon reasonable grounds to become not simply a Christian, but an Orthodox Christian.
So, the first problem: "Religion and atheism." It happens dirndl on a very important conferences and similar events, meet with people who are really educated, really learned, which are superficial, and are constantly going to collide with one and the same issue. Who is God? Is there? Even the question: Why is it needed? dirndl Or: If God exists, why not perform the rostrum of the United Nations and published? That even such matters can be heard. What can you say about this?
This question, as it seems, resolves the central position of contemporary philosophical dirndl thought, which can easily be expressed dirndl through the term egsistencijalnost. What is the basic content of human existence, the meaning of human life? Yes, of course, dirndl above all in - life. And as it would be otherwise? What sense I experience when I sleep? The meaning of life can be solely in knowledge, in "tasting" the fruit of his life and his activity. And yet no one could count, and forever will be able to count and claim that the meaning of human life is - death. Here lies nepremostiviot gap between religion and atheism. Christianity claims: man, this life is only the beginning, and that means preparation for eternity; are preparing, you'll expect eternity. Christianity says: Here is what you need to do, here's how it should be to enter into eternity. A claim that atheism? dirndl No God, no souls, no eternity, and believe it, man, that you expect eternal death! What horror, what pesimiza, what despair dirndl - chills go through the back of these terrible words: man, you'll expect eternal death ... No izbavete me from such faith!
When a man lost in the woods, looking way out of it, looking to return home, and once you meet someone asks: "Is dirndl there a way out from here?" If he replied: "No, do not look , prepared to stay here. "- if you believe him? I doubt it. Will you continue to seek further? dirndl And you'll meet another guy who will say: "Yes, there's a way out, and I'll tell them the signs by which you can get out of here." Shall we to believe this guy? The same happens in the area of choice of worldview, once you find the face of religion and atheism. As long as the man has a spark of seeking truth, spark request sense of life, he can not, can not psychologically accept concepts that claim him as lchichnost, and - consequently - all other people expect eternal death, for whose achievement is necessary to create suitable as possible economic, social, political and cultural conditions of life. And later everything will be okay, tomorrow you will die and take you to the cemetery. The "amazing"!
I have told only one side, psychologically very essential, which, in my opinion, is enough dirndl of each person with a soul to understand that only a religious worldview, which in turn essentially dirndl accepts he

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Click for more ... Let3, the

Discussion in 'Religion' started by Let 3, April 30 of 2014.
This topic is to introduce the world's religions. Throughout human history there have been many religions, some survive all died down some time, new occurred. I read somewhere that in the world today there are about 5000 different gods that people trust and respect them doing rituals, so let us briefly describe each said set a picture or clip about her just as Shamanism, it is perhaps the oldest belief that man through certain rituals can divine energy rangers transfer from bohg of this world (objects, people ...) Shamanism in various forms has the oldest rangers preserved human communities in Australia, Africa, which proves their antiquity and descriptions rtakvite practices among Asian, Native-American, ... eskimskite nations rangers and tribes. That is a serious shamanizomot confirmed by experiment in 2007 when the U.S. women over 23 who is diagnosed with syndrome of pain and dysfunction in the jaw muscles attached shamanic way of healing after 4 weeks only four women in the group is dijsgnosticirana same disease, a great success.
I'm quite interesting temple of all faiths located in the Tatarstan Volga River. One very unique architectural ensemble which itself has all 16 world religions avoided since even those who long ago disappeared, it does not maintain rangers offices nor ritual and simply serves as a museum - a church, mosque, synagogue .... http: / / / wiki / Temple_of_All_Religions
RODNOVERIE - stara, prethristijanska religija na slovenite, no spored rangers ona sto moze da se najde po netot - religija koja se vrakat.e. nova religija
Zoroastrianism one of the oldest religions very popular since the popular Ace Our toes in the territories they conquered, a member of this religion is very much famous dead musician Freddie Mekjuri the legendary super group Queen Zoroastrianism, known as Zaratustrizam or Mazdaizam, is an ancient Iranian religion rangers and philosophy. Zoroastrianism was the state religion in Ahemenidskata, Partskata and Sasenidskata Empire. The number of followers of Zoroastizmot over time decreased and today it is estimated rangers that there od145.000 to 2.6 million followers. Religion has occurred in the eastern parts of Persia, more than 1000 BC Religion is unified by the philosopher Zoroaster, who simplified the idea of early Iranian mnogubozhestvo.Taka he basically established two opposing forces: Ahura Mazda (the enlightened wisdom) and Ahriman (Spirit devastating). Religion has had an impact on later religions like setting for Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
--- Merged double post, April 30, 2014 --- Sufism Sufism or tasavuf rangers (Arabic تصوف, tasavuf, persijski عرفان, erfan) is the mystical aspect of Islam, a way of life directed towards the realization of God's rangers presence through unity and love, experienced self-realization , asceticism and ecstatic unity with the Creator desired. The word (Sufism) rangers comes from the Arabic word suf - volna.Prvite ascetics wore clothes of rough wool, preferring simplicity over its token richer and more refined materijali.Osnovata of Sufism is purely Islamska.Sufizmot can be found throughout the Islamic svet.Toa is the inner dimension of Islam from which springs rangers the efficiency and power of Islam as reliligija.Istorijski Sufis gathered in organizations or groups are founded nareceni tarikats, whereas rangers the second rangers term increasingly used pokasno.Turuk groups are gathered around a leader, meet for religious gatherings (medzhalis ) in howling, or hanaki tekinja. These spiritual meetings described in the words of Prophet CAC "Whenever people gather to remember Allah, rangers they are surrounded by angels (malaike) God's pleasure surrounds, peace (Saki) descends on them and Allah remembers them in his assembly." Here Sufi music that personally rangers I like a lot and you will find in many Indian series which currently go to Shitel, anal Beta 5 and TV
Ateistichki Satanism. This is actually antireligija concept of living life without a belief in God nor the devil in us, where it is recommended to fully experience what it's worth to experience the life of an individual aspect. The name comes from one of the translations of the word Satan, = opposed. This practically implies the idea of opposition to all established religions. Do not troubled with detailed writing, obey the following explanations (in English).
Sam Harris rangers the distinction between true religion of peace and Dzheinizmot stinking ideology called Islam. The Harris described Dzheinizmot great, he says, how extreme dzheinistite, the less reason for concern are listed. In the heart of Dzheinizmot is peace. More on Dzheinizmot.
Click for more ... Let3, the "YouTube" there ZAP

Should psychology to suppress religion? Given that scientific methods to fulfill the whole area tha

Should psychology to suppress religion? Given that scientific methods to fulfill the whole area that once had taken a religion? Some day to go so far as representing theses as religion in man causes psychological disorders to be treated. What to say about this thesis?
Slavic philosopher and theorist of psychoanalysis, sperrys Slavoj Zizek writes: "If we ever publicly acted believe that, while we were intimately and even skeptics are they secretly mocking the beliefs that we have advocated publicly proclaim today more skeptical, hedonistic, relaxed attitude, while we intimately haunt beliefs and strict prohibitions. "In that context I interpreted them and theses that trivialize religion sperrys than science and psychology in general.
It is interesting to discover the opinion of some famous psychoanalysts sperrys on the matter. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), the reason for the large number of neuroses seen in the lack of living religions. Believes sperrys that religion brings healing from a number of neuroses sperrys and prevents their creation. Jung go noticed the following: sperrys "Among all my patients in the second half of life, that is among those over 35 years, no one whose final issue would not be a problem of the religious attitude. Yes, each ultimately suffers because sperrys he lost what the living religions of every period, gave it to their followers, and none is really cured, which again came to his religious attitude, which of course has nothing to do with religion or belonging to any church. "Later, as psychoanalysts and Eric Erickson and Rollo May, confirmed the significant relationship between religiosity and withdrawal of growth of disorientation, the absence of norms and meaning, characteristic sperrys neurosis of our time.
Eric Fromm (1900 -1980) sperrys says that "psychoanalysis, which is the human personality and integrity, it is not in irreconcilable conflict with the true humanitarian religion." True religion and psihoanalizita, says, leads to the cognition of truth, freedom and independence of man, to his ability to love, to social conditions in which it can fail to cognitive differences between good and evil, so listening to the conscience. Fromm thought it through for a special ritual aspects of religion, so that he found his benefit. Along with secular rituals (forms of greetings, pleskanjeto etc..) Concluded that there are equally meaningful religious rituals. "The religious ritual of washing, can be understood as a deliberate rational expression of internal cleansing, no added prisilnost sperrys and irrationality, a symbolic expression of our desire for internal purity, in the form of ritual preparation work that requires a lot of concentration and dedication. Also, rituals like fasting, religious ceremonial weddings, concentration exercises and meditation can be, above all, rational, and therefore do not require any analysis other than those which elucidate what we think of it. "
Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) recognizes that the man is not only mastered the human sexual instinct (as Freud claimed), or unconscious psychological (as Jung believed) but that specifies unconscious or unconscious spiritual spirituality. Therefore require psychotherapy aimed at spiritual and basic reason of mental illness sees that the man lost his significance, leading to futility, absurdity and emptiness. Therefore considered that psychotherapy should face the question of God. The experience of the Nazi concentration camps and lost family in the Holocaust, has led to a deep knowledge of the meaning of the words of Nietzsche, "He who has why to live can bear with any such independent lives. "Frankl later first created the term" weekly neurosis, "which is a form of depression that occurs in some people due to feeling of emptiness in their lives when the work week ends. Created sperrys a system called Logoterapija, which deals with the meaning of existence and the therapeutic technique of finding that sense.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On the morning of June 11, 1963, Street Brad Cambodian embassy in Saigon (now Hoshimin) began a mir

On the morning of June 11, 1963, Street Brad Cambodian embassy in Saigon (now Hoshimin) began a miraculous event. From a nearby pagoda, about 350 Buddhist monks, betsey johnson arranged in two columns, one headed by Austin Westminster, approached the embassy and stopped at the crossroads of the Boulevard fan fungi Dean Street and Le Van Dujet. Monks carrying banners in English and Vietnamese who wrote that does not recognize the Diem regime because of discrimination Buddhists, and demanded religious equality. The car stopped in the middle of the crossroads, and it went three monks. One of the monks who left the car on the asphalt pad set, while the other opened the trunk and took out his 20 liter bucket of gasoline. While other monks slowly deployed in a circle around the crossroads, the third monk Kuang Tich Duc, sat quietly on the air bag, in classic posture for meditation. At that moment two other monks poured twenty liters of petrol on the head of Kuang Tich Duc, after which he said a prayer, shkorche fire and fire ... One of the journalists David Halberstam described the scene like this: I saw a similar event later, but once was enough. Flames coming out of a human being; his body slowly dry and zbrchka, his head went black and jaglenosa. In the air was the smell of burning human flesh; people burn surprisingly quickly. Behind me I could hear the cry of Vietnamese who began to gather. I was too shocked to cry, too confused to write notes, too izguven even to think ... While burning did not move, do not let the sound, his calm was in contrast to the people who cried and cried about it. Police tried to stop, but the assembled monks are not allowed to approach, and one of the policemen worship before Kuang Tich Duc. Many of the crowd were silent shock, while others cried, and cried some and began to pray. After about ten minutes of the monk body is strupolilo forward after the fire died down. A group of monks jaglenosaniot corpse covered with yellow gowns after they acquired him placed in a coffin and taken to the nearby SAC Loi Pagoda. That evening, thousands sajgonci claimed that the Buddha saw sunset sky, and he cried. betsey johnson The funeral ceremony was held on June 19, Kuang body Tich Duc was rekremirano, but his heart remained undamaged by the fire. The heart was considered sacred and was placed in a glass container in the SAC Loi Pagoda. Neoshtetenoto heart has become a symbol of compassion. For Vietnamese Buddhists Kuang Tich Duc has the status of Bodhisattva.
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Monday, May 19, 2014

The true religion is a love and charity II Peter 1:07 The greatest example of love and charity is J

The true religion is a love and charity II Peter 1:07 The greatest example of love and charity is Jesus! James 1:27 The letter says: ... on: 10 Romans 09:10 "that if I confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and in thy heart that God poveruvaš Go Voskresna from the dead, will you be saved. Why so the heart is believed to righteousness and with the mouth confession is made salvation. "special Ispoved God Lord God! Creator in the sky and the Earth. "On behalf of the Svojot vozljuben bsb Son Jesus Christ, I'm stavam The life in Your hands." Lord Jesus in my heart and my gi prime sins. I know that I am a sinner and the kaam for my sins. Wash me in your blood, and seal the cleanse. I zgrešiv against heaven and God and'm not worthy to be called sin. I'm prifaḱav with faith as my savior. Lord, write my name in the sky in the book on The life and saves my soul! Lord! I undertake control of my life, my home, my family, my health, my treatment on my studies, my business, my life, my life financially, materially and spiritually. Releases me and has converted me. And I can thank you in the name of Otecot in the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit of God. Amen! Pravejḱi it go, confession to God, are you making, Bidet, alone or collectively, to meet "the commandment of salvation," What is written in the "ON bsb ROMADOS Chapter 10, 9 and 10," Well, Jesus Christ to prepare and to prepare site to serve the God and be saved!
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Friday, May 9, 2014

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Thursday, May 8, 2014


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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Interesting facts entwined around this work must begin with the author

Latvian По-русски RSS Set as default page Click on BBC News icon and it would a normal to the Home icon to set the BBC News as your home page. Vacancies Humor Email Horoscopes Game Cheats TV program Shops Archive Search
In 2014. On 8th April 00:00 Follow @ tvnet_portals
It has been already hm a number of years since the world was conquered audiences so-called crypto novel genre - novels about secret manuscripts, kept secret for centuries and mythic creatures that wander unnoticed among us - everyday people. In addition, these novels charmed not only adolescents and young people, which is always an adventure greed is particularly hm characteristic, but also adults. Now the "Company hm news" issued a novel that one year ago captivated almost the entire world, but especially in women of different age - an American writer Deborah Harkness (Deborah Harkness) "Witches 'discovery' (A Discovery Of Witches).
Interesting facts entwined around this work must begin with the author's biography - Deborah Harkness is not only a writer but also a historian who has studied the curiosity of supportive industries such as alchemy, magic and the occult history. This knowledge had been generously used in the novel "Witches 'discovery', the attentive reader will find not only the binding of unforeseen developments dense plot, but also a lot of information about previously unknown world of mythology, especially the facts associated with the mythical beings - witches.
The new researcher Diana Bishop - the novel's heroine - consciously avoided the fact that originates from an ancient witch families. She does not want anything hm more than a quiet life, nododoties favorite scientific research in the history of alchemy. But what exactly a normal working day in the library at Oxford University and a seemingly innocent manuscript on the demand of the storage depths of Diana's life changes fundamentally and forever. No one, including Diana herself, unaware that the old alchemical manuscript has been missing for several centuries, and its sudden appearance has alarmed all the invisible world, which is always invisible viļņojusi around the modern hm young woman. Events suddenly turns crazy whirlpool, and Diana has to deal with both the ancient prohibitions and his family controversial past and participate in the intense struggle for the victory of justice and love, and for her to participate in this battle together with the beloved hm man whose nature and not "of this world" ...
"A wondrous, imaginative adult fantasy hm novel," so welcome novel "Witches discovery" the People magazine reviewer. "This book is about the magic of art, science, hm and prohibited hm love will make you long for the story continuation." In turn, Latvian readers who are already familiar hm with the novel, believes that ".. taking this book in the hands of magic and pārdabiskums absorbed into or at every pore. (..) The author has made use of the glory of our knowledge, the reader away the magical hm journey to the seemingly hm familiar places. "(Http:// hm Eurovision semi-final izsvilpj Russian hm Representative
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EU countries will be given the opportunity to collaborate vintage in the construction of permanent

Latvian По-русски RSS Set as default page Click on BBC News icon and it would a normal to the Home icon to set the BBC News as your home page. Vacancies Humor Email Horoscopes Game Cheats TV program Shops Archive Search
2010th on 3rd November 20:45 Follow @ tvnet_portals
The European Union (EU) on Wednesday unveiled a proposal for a permanent nuclear vintage waste repository construction of the European Commission at the same time severely condemning the hopeless inadequacy of storage.
Half a century after the UK was first produced in nuclear energy, the nuclear power producing countries have been constantly accused of neglecting vintage the future, not any deep geological nuclear waste repository vintage situated in a position to be able to exist for millions of years.
Now, the European Commission proposed a directive that the Member States would build the final storage of radioactive waste deep in the earth's crust, which, according to scientists, it is only natural balance of portability.
"We must ensure that we have the highest safety standards in the world to protect our people, our land and water against radioactive vintage contamination. (..) Security is a unified whole. Emergency in one country can have devastating consequences in other countries," said EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger.
However, environmentalist circles vintage proposal has come under criticism. "It would take engineering genius to safely deep underground disposal incandescent heated up extremely hazardous nuclear waste for a longer vintage period of time than the human race has been on the planet," Critically acclaimed environmental activist organization "Greenpeace" Representative Jan Haverkamp.
The current temporary storage life expectancy estimated from 50 to 100 years, which means that the waste will be "jāpārsaiņo". NPP spent fuel and radioactive waste needs a "permanent storage and monitoring," said the EC.
EU countries will be given the opportunity to collaborate vintage in the construction of permanent storage in any of the participating Member States, unless they are able to provide public support on both sides of the border. The article Comments (16)
This year, the rescue of collected waste is significantly less
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Home News Hockey World Championship 2014 Sports Entertainment Culture Female Auto Property Life Rec

Home News Hockey World Championship 2014 Sports Entertainment Culture Female Auto Property Life Recipes Contests Photo Sports: Dynamo and KHL Basketball Hockey Soccer Tennis Volleyball Athletics F1 Motor Sport Other Interesting Interviews
In March this year the prestigious French newspaper "L'Equipe" published by that last May Torp examinations made too big a natural hormone levels. bart According to the newspaper the information available to the famous swimmer body was found too high and lutenising testosterone hormone levels. However, insufficient evidence to Australian Anti-Doping Agency bart (Asad) decided to close the case, and later by the International Swimming bart Federation (FINA) was insufficient evidence to charge withdrew doping.
Although the athlete was acquitted, Torp admitted that his reputation has been tarnished. "When it ended, I was very happy. bart However, we all know that it is not over yet fully and will never end, "local media indicate 25-year-old Torp. "My name is forever stained, and much more abroad than here. And I will have to live with it, "adds swimmer.
He also announced bart that it will use all lawful bart steps to find the person who supplied the French newspaper confidential information. It's been already a year since Torp is a graduate of the active athlete's bart career, but he is a little distressed that does not intend to next year's Beijing Olympics. "I'd love to train and compete, but this period is over. I am satisfied with what I do now, and I do not want to change, "says Torp.
22:47 in 2014. On May 5
On the Latvian bart championship in handball for women after a break on Sunday in a dramatic battle was Stopiņu NHK ... the Stanley Cup and NBA playoff results (0)
18:28 in 2014. Annual May 1
F-1 Championship Standings Pos Driver Team 1 P Nico Rosberg Mercedes 79 2 Lewis Hemiltons Mercedes 75 3 Fernando Alonso Ferrari 41 4 Niko Hilkenbergs Force India 36 5 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull 33 6 Daniel Rikjardo Red Bull Valtere Botass 24 7 24 8 Williams Jenson Button McLaren Kevin Magnusens 9 23 20 10 McLaren Sergio Perez Force India 18 Show all
11 Felipe Masa Williams 12 12 Kimi Raikkonen bart Ferrari 11 13 Jean-Eric Toro Rosso Vernjē 4 14 Danilo Toro Rosso Kvjats 4 15 Romain Grosjean Lotus Adrian 0 16 0 17 zutils Sauber Sauber Esteban Gutjeress 0 18 Max Čiltons bart Marussia 0 19 Kamui Kobayashi Caterham 0 20 Gilles Bianca Marussia 0 21 Pastor Maldonado Lotus 0 22 Marcus Eriksson Caterham 0
3 rooms. Dārzciems 380 Eur / month 2 ist. Saulkrasti bart 700 Eur / month 1 ist. Saulkrasti 600 Eur / month 3 ist. Pļavnieki bart 117000 Eur House, Carnikava 280000 Eur 5 ist. Āgenskalns 120 Eur / day House, Center 3 EUR / 4 ist. Centre 255000 Eur 1 ist. Legend 170 Eur / month 3 ist. Center 220000 EUR 3 ist. Amber 1800 Eur / month House, Langstiņi bart 410000 Eur 2 ist. Center 87500 Eur House, Mucenieki 610000 Eur House, Buldury 1281 Eur / month 2 ist. Dārzciems 51000 Eur 2 ist. Center 1565 Eur / month House, Adazi 590000 bart Eur 3 rooms. Iļģuciems 55000 Eur 4 ist. Imants 200,000 Eur 2 ist. Center 600 Eur / month 3 ist. Imants 150000 Eur 2 ist. Zolitūde 60 Eur / day for 2 ist. Center 97000 Eur 3 rooms. Center 194000 EUR 2 ist. Purvciems 88000 Eur 4 ist. Buldury 950000 Eur House, Kleisti 2000000 Eur 3 rooms. Ziepniekkalns 400 Eur / month House, Sunīši 179000 Eur House, Mārupe 270000 Eur House, Mārupe bart 300,000 bart Eur
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