Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Posted 2011-10-15 - 02:59 PM

Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God is me I had a cam question in sql server are possible, they are many little kansas ČÓ downright fraternity members Mesh Habkhaloa graduate in need of 1 - is the difference between kansas the log file and data file log is stored every trancation for conservation and the addendum and CDA data Benataat ČÓ 2 - filegroup da hand organizational formation of logic only 3 - filegroup to the data file only 4 - is if I have more than one file Mqdarsh clear the primary kansas file means if formed factor data and one log 2 Mqdarsh clear the log and basic data 5 - alter database test modify file (name = test_data2, filename = 'd: \ \ test_data2.ndf') is I worked da Ahan I change in the location of the file da ČÓ, I received a hard Mngarh ČÓ not change database 6 - is I Aizah Ezay add text or do you insert to a text file 7 - FILEGROWTH = 0 da meaning that the database can be increased if Aizah do in reducing certain Mtzisc about 8 - SCHEMA kansas da hand regulatory so I appreciate the work table name and do the same name in one Tani 9 - CREATE DATABASE TestDB ON (NAME = TestDB_Data, FILENAME = 'D: \ DATA \ TransactTestDB.mdf', SIZE = 20 MB, FILEGROWTH = 0) LOG ON (NAME = TestDB_Log, FILENAME = 'D: kansas \ DATA \ TestDB_Log.ldf', SIZE = 5 MB, FILEGROWTH = 0 ) Msg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Directory lookup for the file "D: \ DATA \ TransactTestDB.mdf" failed with the operating system error 2 (error not found). Msg 1802, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 CREATE kansas DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors. Thank you I hope that I find one of the members is estimated Levine
The answer to the first question answer the second question and the third answer to the fourth question: kansas - can not be erased LOG FILE nor Primary DATA FILE because the Primary DATA File contains DATABASE SCHEMA of tables and stored kansas procedures and queries and delete means delete Aldata biz fully and the same thing applies to the LOG FILE but can be cleared NDF FILE and that if he does not have data answer fifth question: kansas - to transfer files Aldata biz from one place to another is supposed work Detach the Data biz of Enterprise Manager and then transfer the file normally through Windows and then transfer the file are doing Attach again sixth question: - I do not understand the desired currency exactly the seventh question: - Revision answer attached to the second question and the third question VIII and IX: - I do not understand the exact desired currency
Thanks for the answer is I Aizah Ezay add text or do you insert a text file that means if I have a word file and Aizah more to add to the database I'm doing Ezay ---------------- is I LES use ALL schema in table and Ziviha the I possible work, for example, the schema name a table named table1 be name of a.table1 table and Memkm work same name ČÓ on schema Also, for example, b is the name of the table b.table1 ------------------ ----------------- CREATE DATABASE TestDB ON (NAME = TestDB_Data, FILENAME = 'D: \ DATA \ TransactTestDB.mdf', SIZE = 20 MB, FILEGROWTH = 0) LOG ON (NAME = TestDB_Log, FILENAME = 'D: \ DATA \ TestDB_Log.ldf', SIZE = 5 MB, FILEGROWTH = 0) Msg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Directory lookup for the file "D: \ DATA \ TransactTestDB . mdf "failed with the operating kansas system error 2 (error not found). Msg 1802, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors. I Jet work appeared database me wrong da Mesh knowledgeable Les Thanks

Regarding add or import data to and from SQL View link below http://www.arabteam2...howtopic=194092 the no other way CODE http://blog.sqlautho...nto-sql-server/ regarding your question about the work DataBase Partioning or the work of the division of the database to the large number of data on the extent تعبيرك Go ahead this link is a simple lesson to the modus operandi of this method http://blog.sqlautho...database-table/ the your last question about the usefulness kansas of Creating Schema in Tables also this simple lesson explains the purpose including http://www.quackit.c...ase_schemas.cfm
Posted 2011-10-15 - 02:59 PM


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