Sunday, November 17, 2013

2011 (3) July (1) May (1) February (1) 2010 (57) December (2) September (2) August (1) July (1) Jun

2011 (3) July (1) May (1) February (1) 2010 (57) December (2) September (2) August (1) July (1) June (1) May (3) April (47) father Say see who you are!!!! (R"h) A father in iu"t Lighting a father month Tishrei horse part a father month Tishrei third part a father month Tishrei 2 'Te part a father month Tishrei first part a father at Saturday table a father in Purim a father in month sneeze that definition armani as a Shatz - Event terrible that definition as a Shatz - Yom Kippur silence language that definition as a rating - Shatz Saturday the definition of rating - holiday teacher tells fathers in eyes of children can a lecturer armani open up when we is hungry? ... Lighting ... can a winter tree show??? .... t"u Tu order today from small long and short teacher 'and buy's only by jews!!! Herb Saturday Lighting disorders ... He hates married!!! ......????? When working a comedian? Hope Jew order today kindergarten teacher how labor 'et be behind a city? ..... My Country? ..... The best .... That definition A - mu"ts bikh of selling books bikh of preacher limit bikh of Harvey Star bikh of four species merchant pay the debt without secret - Purim a singer armani of a wedding was also an order today as are the shdkhnim???? like that does one to enjoy the whole round!!! Purim ... the hungry dogs!!!!! armani Passover which lies under the title director? How is one a master preacher a ruler at school who do yourself When the visitor goes away? .... r"h whole or folly?!!! ... In field of public business IP glutton! Glutton ...... A hike in bread bakery a father at the order table a good home .... (Yom Kippur - Sukkot) jewish desires!!!
Buy's armani only by jews!!!, T.b. Suceava been even bikh, well who's? Geysir make all boys like the bdkhnim who call out some uncle's aoyfamal, geyser making numerous all of several businesses along and around the same conversations over the problems which local merchants talk myself away from that is not fulfilled by them the brother lived with you, too is the fact so that the people think not lived with your brother, or just of 'not knowing the details, to fully is a defect in the "brother" is therefore no "lived." Important declaration everywhere as it is in the article Jew near gentile should of itself armani put into a "distinguished" We want simply to save prison's .... Each Liner has been certainly while in one of the issues and certainly armani accessed there some letter 'N of Customer's and gesheftsleyt as are thrown up blaming one on the other, to give jews Yes Service and goym give no service to Parker and many buttons on the quay beard has been pushed up over the topic, especially in the Humanities times when the economy is not orderly (quite noble explicitly) is clear that shopping and to save is a strong theme. Course we speak of those things which can be bought at any jews and in at goym as electronic tools, effeminate clothing, children's items, and the like, to epic 'Harvey what we have already treated. We go not into walking in part theory that we must buy at a Jew when the price is not more than a nonsense armani a zextl Mar. This means 16.65 percent more, and only if the Jew asks more than a nonsense may be shopping at a gentile that these calculations should either make yourself see to it comes not in the law, at the same time they may also create an account that just as when we "take along charity for a Jew the master debt that can not pay the wages instruction and camper of his children, and jews rkhmnim give 20, 30 dollars, gibzhe livelihood and charity road honor for a local Jew who with $ 2 more that you tsalst on a Law art fulfillment Matzot charity that the rmb"m says the maximum linear justification is created for a Jew living, armani but this is no longer meikra ddina. becomes heard a claim by many people (who want self farenfern why they buy at goym) that at home people is no service as at the gentile, Let us first know of that talks be here and that is things that people call a service and how whips them away DES word. If you find say that service means serving the Customer is nevertheless clear that in the field of serving fit the Jew better than the gentile, armani first speaks the Jew Jewish, and when he knows yet what the indigenous people armani needed, which phone is good for a home with children, and that for pants is good for fighters armani that the gentile could be epic 'not armani ask ozone and certainly not received any justification, armani the Jew will know to tell costumes from 'take LO day set because it buy either ........, the gentile knows not what every bought, well we' lives yet in a world As we 'must be like either, Sao Service seems not serve. If you find say that service seems Alemán a third did check, armani the gentile take a check that is not subjected to his campaign?. armani if you find say that service means that we' could trade the prices, go deal with a gentile in a Department Store, when you receive a discount call me .... If you find say that service armani means we 'may owe stay, sorry caught a glimpse above the register on the aroyfgeklebte tsetelekh place at Jewish merchant, you see there how much people are guilty of remaining few dollars and go the Ari

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