Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Is a material commonly used in Tajabin milk Tajabina the إنزيميا. This article extracted commercial

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Rennet is an adjuvant for the cheese industry may be liquid or dry, extracted from the stomach of calves suckling and the types of animal rennet is rennet and rennet plant and microbial rennet in addition to the processing ross methods ross of animal rennet ross
Rennet taken from the fourth stomach {real} for suckling calves that rely on milk fed. After the slaughter of calves is taken to the fourth stomach with part Manalmadh and washed and cleaned then dried and operate in the form of a powder to help clotting milk due to the presence of ringing in the enzyme rennet
Is a material commonly used in Tajabin milk Tajabina the إنزيميا. This article extracted commercially fourth of equipment (equipment true or Almnavh) for suckling calves, which is known among some peasants to "Alodza" and known in السلخانات as Alabaoh or rennet, also called sometimes rennet
The extract contains rennet from calves suckling ross on 88-94% كيموسين and 6-12% pepsin while the extract large rennet from calves ross contains 90-94% pepsin and 6-10% كيموسين the terms of increase amount Alkimussen in suckling calves to help digest milk you eat Calves in the lactation ross period and then gradually lower the proportion of this enzyme and increase the enzyme pepsin, which digests the components of diets, which begins in the calf dealt with after the lactation period
In addition to the extract of rennet from calves suckling it also uses the extract of rennet of sheep and goats and sometimes used a paste rennet, which arise from the mucous membranes of sheep and goats in the manufacture of some kinds of cheese in Italy and Greece in order to give the bait customer desired by some as containing this paste on the enzymes known with you Allypezz enzymes these enzymes analyze the fat and the production of fatty acids have distinctive grafts
The percentage detention of material casei in clot after pressing ross of the important factors in the settlement of the cheese. Where held about 30% of the amount ross of rennet added to the clot before pressing down to 5-8% after pressing, so for animal rennet, while up to 3-5% of microbial rennet, and 3-8% for pepsin so the resulting whey cheese contains a ratio of high material casei
Since the mucous membrane of the abomasum is the inner layer of the wall of the stomach, which secretes the enzyme where the membranes of other infectious and stick to the Foreign Ministry ross of tissues unrelated ELISA So it becomes necessary to remove as much as possible to overcome what caused difficulties ross in the process of extraction and filtration shall be taken Alonavh after slaughter calves suckling directly and what remains of the excess ross tissue and inside milk متجبن or food residue and then wash Alonavh water from the outside only to remove what might be it of impurities, nor washed from the inside so as not to waste the amount of which contain an enzyme, then either
Volatility is still what the milk is coagulated and then returned ross to normal and blowing from the end narrow caller Balotny century as inflatable football, after linking Bdobar terms related Balourguih (paper is intended third where consists stomach in ruminants of four parts), and then connects well of the narrow party and salted outer surface as a way salting leather (and after rennet drying can get rid of the long narrow neck piece which does not contain only a little bit of rennet enzymes)
Then attached Almnavh the blown out to dry in a place many air or somewhat warm, dry room at a temperature of 20-25 C (so no more warmth for the warmth of a room warm Regular warmer) taking into account the non-suspended in a place exposed to the sun
There have been some factories that usually dried Almnavh the "Bnbr" is supplying one Otoalh the high wire gradually toward the ceiling to be replaced by other wires attached ross them fresh Almnavh so when nearly Almnavh the ceiling may be dried
It helps dry Almnavh the rapid installation of a fan of where the dried. And generally should not exceed the period which dry out the Almnavh for 2-3 weeks, and must take into account not leave Almnavh for a long time, a moist as it may appear by then mold or gaining smelly due to rot, and must be care not to be infected with worms or insects even after the packaged and packaged for export to factories draw rennet and so بتجفيفها well and protect it from flies and other insects
When you collect a sufficient number of Almnavh dried drying well cut neck rennet and allows air out of them, then bind all 25-50 of them in a package and packaged in boxes or drums while sent to factories making rennet
When not be المتيسر to inflatable rennet (Almnavh) and can be constructed dried and salted directly. After rid Almnavh the calf from the rest of the small intestine cut it off from the paper, pressing on them to withdraw the contents salted each of Stahiha, ross and salting process helps to reduce the vulnerability of
And sufficient amount of 25-30 grams salt for salting abomasum, and boric acid can be used when available at a moderate price, rather than

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