In this note we invite you to start preparing, and organizing, to attend the meeting "Roots of the Earth 2013" to be held from 5 to 8 December at Alleys, Region VI.
Roots of the Earth is an inter tribal, which seeks to make knowledge accessible hand native bearers and representatives of indigenous traditions throughout society. It has been preserved for years by the love and vision of many people who support this common dream.
35 native leaders and exhibitors will come to share his teachings with all attendees to return to reconnect with our Origin: Mexico, Paraguay, USA, Hawaii, Chile, Colombia, Easter Island, Guatemala, Bolivia, among others.
Born in the 70s of the vision of Reymundo Perez, and after 45 years is continued; increasingly integrating new guests to make this experience one real bridge of communication, cooperation and interaction of peoples spiritual leaders, blazer representing blazer their heritage and cultures in the same sacred fire and calls us together.
In Roots of Earth converge all participants: children, elderly, youth, men and women participating in this community meeting, and are part and protagonists of all family activities of these four days.
We invite you to participate blazer and support this dream that a new cycle in Chile, where live four days of teaching native spirituality, art and community collaboration.
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Friends of the Earth International
Camino Theatre
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