Saturday, November 23, 2013

Kani is a unique index Bakhly field da uique prevents data redundancy Bacon nonCLUSTERED Paso Minvh

Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God 1 - is possible extent Icherhaly way the index formation ÇŇÇě because I fact Vihama Paso Bnsaha means Aizah know he is storage Finn and Ptstgl ÇŇÇě way work because there is something called heap and leaf level data 2 - is any interest I work sort in sort temp_db 3 - the difference between CLUSTERED and the second he Wenzhe on the pk and the second on the fk first possible? Sign one, but the second Enshi him many 4 - is a unique index Kani Bakhly field da uique prevents data redundancy Bacon nonCLUSTERED Paso Minvh working on CLUSTERED monsoon 5 - IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON Mesh engages is the index of the unique type of non-repetition friendlier special mesh Bicol repeated statements Tayyip Mayhew unique property LEC de Davc AT A good teams, including 6 - CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_PurchaseMain_PurchaseId ON Purchasing.PurchaseMain (PurchaseId) monsoon WITH (DROP_EXISTING = ON); da uniforms IF EXISTS monsoon (SELECT name FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = N'IX_PurchaseMain_PurchaseId ') DROP INDEX IX_PurchaseMain_PurchaseId ON Purchasing.PurchaseMain; due doeth good teams A 7 - CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Address_PostalCode ON Person.Address (PostalCode) INCLUDE (AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City) ; what their function is de benefit of the index in general is a work sort of data, but Kani order by means of villas monsoon and thank you I hope to find members of attention
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The difference between CLUSTERED and the second he Wenzhe on the pk and the second on the fk first possible? Sign one, but the second Enshi him many First the Clustered Index forbid I'm doing on any Column Mesh condition that he be Pk or FK, but are all Avkrh that what Bnaiji Nnche a new table and allocate Column he be PK is Babaka Clustered Index alone, of course, possible that we Inchilh of the PK and Nkhalah on any Column Tani de personal freedom essential difference between Clustered Index and NONClustered index first Beachd data like what are found in the table and Bacon need fictitious name Index Pages and Newbie which arranges Aldata and after surgery de Bihfez Aldata Ali MDF files and NDF, if any affection Petaml once a base in the table because he Piertb data on the basis of certain Bihfezha order uniforms for example monsoon Column monsoon Name Bafeltr letter (A) and after what concludes afraid Ali (b), and so Feminf I question are more than the basis of either NONClustered Index Fbeachd Aldata like what are in the table saves in MDF files and found that the NDF but gives a different number each statement in the sense Index Pages, for example, I've got the data Column Name Name de Clustered Index NONClustered Index ----- 01284 Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed Mohamed Mohammed Hassan ---- 56218 97214 ----- Yahya Yahya Ali Hassan Hassan Mohamed Ali ---- 12447 48761 ----- Ali Yahia de difference between them so I really appreciate working Aktar NONClustered but needed to be one, but Clustered
Kani is a unique index Bakhly field da uique prevents data redundancy Bacon nonCLUSTERED Paso Minvh working on CLUSTERED do not appreciate the work Unique Clustered Index is very normal but I need the table Mafihoush originally Clusrtered Index and of course our understanding of LES over
IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON mesh engages is the index of a kind unique friendlier special non-repetition mesh Bicol repeated statements Tayyip Mayhew unique LEC property de Davc A good A teams, including de idea that, for example, if if I have a Column in place by the Unique Index and be present, for example, No. 1, and I Ajit Adahlh Tani Hicola that the mistake and keep the reason either if used characteristic IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON Vmh Hatalaa an error message and Hibaki 0 Row Affected I mean Haaht value in the table and mesh Hatalaa error
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_PurchaseMain_PurchaseId ON Purchasing.PurchaseMain (PurchaseId) WITH (DROP_EXISTING = ON); da uniforms IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = N'IX_PurchaseMain_PurchaseId ') DROP INDEX IX_PurchaseMain_PurchaseId monsoon ON Purchasing.PurchaseMain; due doeth good A teams Mafish teams only difference in his book The Syntax
CREATE monsoon NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Address_PostalCode ON Person.Address (PostalCode) INCLUDE (AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City); monsoon what function Dee Dee and her job she Tikrit NONClustered Index on the table name IX_Address_PostalCode Person.Address field PostalCode limit here agree Medicine A remained on INCLUDE (AddressLine1, AddressLine2 , City Hcolk known that the operations of the Index if the number monsoon of users Dhm and the number of data a huge delegation Haaml Over Load on the server, therefore Benhaol transfer of a number of Column Elly Optimized by Index Here, Microsoft said Haga sweet Levi and Ncov with some of the example Deh said if you've got Column replaced with Select it very much, of course, but you have Henamlh Index Pardo as well as Tani Column Select Petaml them, but very few are working on them as possible Index manner in here to keep the concept of de code de Work Index Ali Person.Address (PostalCode Walkman vinegary AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City within the Index Woody process Ptkhvv Over Load Elly that happen on the server
Is the benefit of the index in general is a work sort of data, but Kani of villas order by means thank I hope to find members interest in a very big difference between Sorting and Index Sort Bnstkhaddmha after Bntalaa data from the table Ahan we arrange in a certain either Index Benamlh Ahan what Negi inquire of Table First is the speed in the query and violin keeps Mafish Over Load on the server regarding the question remains the first A is the Heap First Ahan appreciate understand necessary know Kues Aldata Btaatkhozn What do the MDF files Btaatkhozn Aldata Btaatna in the form of Pages each Table Bamthel total of Pages and every one of them guardian for a particular number here Newbie role Heap Negi example of what we inquire about a specific table here Newbie Heap shows the name of the table and knows that Alsekol monsoon surfer

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