Uriasposten Blog Archive About the 26-year-old bra that prev. Worked with security at Copenhagen Airport: He was a 'good Muslim' ...
180 Degrees Savannah Morning News Exchange Berlingske Tidende, BT Dagbladet Information Dagens.dk DR Ekstra watchmen Bladet Jyllands watchmen Posten JyskeVestkysten told the paper Metro Politiken SÃ ndagsavisen TV2 by A4 Monday Morning Weekly Weekend newspaper Danish magazines:
There will be more and more about Lars Hedegaard suspected watchmen assassin bra. Ekstra Bladet has interviewed the friend Faruuq Salman, watchmen who police say has got the wrong guy. However, it has to be said that Farooq (Mohammad) Salman is the younger brother of the man who back in 2010 housed the JP-Politiken terrorists in his apartment in Mørkhøj.
Jyllands-Posten has allowed watchmen a few reporters dig a little deeper. He had friends in jihadist circles, came to the mosque on Heimdalsgade, and suddenly began to take his religion seriously. Several researchers conclude as updating that jihadism not be considered as an integration problem. Imported religious fascism, they could have added, now that violence indeed arise from orthodox Quran readers.
"So far, the 26-year-old bra that last weekend was imprisoned in Turkey, accused of an assassination attempt on the Islam-critical author Lars Hedegaard in February 2013, has been described as a well-integrated young man. But now new information that he had links to an environment where previously there has been a radicalization of young Muslims.
In 2005, he recommended according to the then owner of the company, Bear Kroyer, one of his friends for a vacancy. This was hired and there was some months before the company closed. In 2007, Bear Kroyer see BH's friend with both photo and name in the media: The at the time 17-year-old man was sentenced to seven years in prison in the so-called watchmen Glostrupsag. ...
It has previously been associated with several cases of terrorism. Bl. a., it is known that even BH's friend from Glostrup case had its time in this mosque. He served his sentence, but was last year sentenced to another prison sentence for the attack on the poet Yahya Hassan. ...
Integration Researcher and lecturer watchmen at Roskilde University Shahamak Rezaei states that he knows nothing about the case regarding. the suspected perpetrator. But it does not surprise him that the bra is both well-educated and well-integrated. watchmen On the contrary: 'Our research shows that integration has no connection with the tendency to become radicalized to do. If it has anything watchmen to say, it's more the other way around: The more you are integrated, the higher the likelihood that you end up in the category, which we call radicalized. In other words, there is much to suggest that it is not due to ignorance, but an active choice based on an informed knowledge, 'says Shahamak Rezaei. "
He recalled, however, that bra after a few years began to change and put more emphasis on his Muslim faith. At some point down the other employees noticed that the floor of the toilet was often splashed with water when the bra had been there.
In 2005, when BH was in second g at a secondary school in Copenhagen, missing the company of a new type. BH recommended one of his friends. Bear Kroyer looked a second time, as there was a young man in traditional Muslim dress and long beard in the room.
'He was a perfect caricature of a holy warrior, but he was calm and be what he was, so we hired him.' ... After the arrival of BH's friend began to play Muslim prayer songs while they worked. ...
He remembers also that BH, which at that time was about 18 years old, seemed to be greatly influenced by his friend. He also began to let his beard grow. Bear Kroyer clipped over their behavior, but they were of course both good at their jobs, so that the two apparently very religious, he thought nothing of.
BH had in general a relaxed attitude towards religion, remember watchmen friends from college. He was a 'good Muslim' in the sense that he respected the basic rules: He did not eat pork, he fasted during Ramadan and always went also in the mosque regularly. But according to friends filled religion not just something special in BH's life. It was never something he talked about, and certainly not something he preached, remember Kasper and Omar. ...
'We just looked at each other and giggled so that we hoped that he had been replaced circle of friends lately.' On BH's resume says that he was assistant security in Terminal 2 and 3 at Copenhagen Airport from 2006 to 2007. ...
When Omar last time met with BH in early 2013, just over a month before the attack on Lars Hedegaard, told BH that he had just been married in Lebanon with a Lebanese woman. He was also considering having children, told BH.
By way gengæ
180 Degrees Savannah Morning News Exchange Berlingske Tidende, BT Dagbladet Information Dagens.dk DR Ekstra watchmen Bladet Jyllands watchmen Posten JyskeVestkysten told the paper Metro Politiken SÃ ndagsavisen TV2 by A4 Monday Morning Weekly Weekend newspaper Danish magazines:
There will be more and more about Lars Hedegaard suspected watchmen assassin bra. Ekstra Bladet has interviewed the friend Faruuq Salman, watchmen who police say has got the wrong guy. However, it has to be said that Farooq (Mohammad) Salman is the younger brother of the man who back in 2010 housed the JP-Politiken terrorists in his apartment in Mørkhøj.
Jyllands-Posten has allowed watchmen a few reporters dig a little deeper. He had friends in jihadist circles, came to the mosque on Heimdalsgade, and suddenly began to take his religion seriously. Several researchers conclude as updating that jihadism not be considered as an integration problem. Imported religious fascism, they could have added, now that violence indeed arise from orthodox Quran readers.
"So far, the 26-year-old bra that last weekend was imprisoned in Turkey, accused of an assassination attempt on the Islam-critical author Lars Hedegaard in February 2013, has been described as a well-integrated young man. But now new information that he had links to an environment where previously there has been a radicalization of young Muslims.
In 2005, he recommended according to the then owner of the company, Bear Kroyer, one of his friends for a vacancy. This was hired and there was some months before the company closed. In 2007, Bear Kroyer see BH's friend with both photo and name in the media: The at the time 17-year-old man was sentenced to seven years in prison in the so-called watchmen Glostrupsag. ...
It has previously been associated with several cases of terrorism. Bl. a., it is known that even BH's friend from Glostrup case had its time in this mosque. He served his sentence, but was last year sentenced to another prison sentence for the attack on the poet Yahya Hassan. ...
Integration Researcher and lecturer watchmen at Roskilde University Shahamak Rezaei states that he knows nothing about the case regarding. the suspected perpetrator. But it does not surprise him that the bra is both well-educated and well-integrated. watchmen On the contrary: 'Our research shows that integration has no connection with the tendency to become radicalized to do. If it has anything watchmen to say, it's more the other way around: The more you are integrated, the higher the likelihood that you end up in the category, which we call radicalized. In other words, there is much to suggest that it is not due to ignorance, but an active choice based on an informed knowledge, 'says Shahamak Rezaei. "
He recalled, however, that bra after a few years began to change and put more emphasis on his Muslim faith. At some point down the other employees noticed that the floor of the toilet was often splashed with water when the bra had been there.
In 2005, when BH was in second g at a secondary school in Copenhagen, missing the company of a new type. BH recommended one of his friends. Bear Kroyer looked a second time, as there was a young man in traditional Muslim dress and long beard in the room.
'He was a perfect caricature of a holy warrior, but he was calm and be what he was, so we hired him.' ... After the arrival of BH's friend began to play Muslim prayer songs while they worked. ...
He remembers also that BH, which at that time was about 18 years old, seemed to be greatly influenced by his friend. He also began to let his beard grow. Bear Kroyer clipped over their behavior, but they were of course both good at their jobs, so that the two apparently very religious, he thought nothing of.
BH had in general a relaxed attitude towards religion, remember watchmen friends from college. He was a 'good Muslim' in the sense that he respected the basic rules: He did not eat pork, he fasted during Ramadan and always went also in the mosque regularly. But according to friends filled religion not just something special in BH's life. It was never something he talked about, and certainly not something he preached, remember Kasper and Omar. ...
'We just looked at each other and giggled so that we hoped that he had been replaced circle of friends lately.' On BH's resume says that he was assistant security in Terminal 2 and 3 at Copenhagen Airport from 2006 to 2007. ...
When Omar last time met with BH in early 2013, just over a month before the attack on Lars Hedegaard, told BH that he had just been married in Lebanon with a Lebanese woman. He was also considering having children, told BH.
By way gengæ
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