Friday, November 14, 2014

In thirty degree heat in OS předehrávce our

On October 19, 2014 at 8:00 pm. MP will be held in 2014 in doubles on the courts in the wolf and the case of favorable weather later in the week will be Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2014 MP - individuals. Start again at 8.00 am winter time.
The new MP 2014 winner in singles became fashion sunny weather Pavel Karasek, who dominate the late overlord tournament. In the final listing outplayed Vladimir Marek and became the winner of the 26th. >>
On October 19, 2014 at 8:00 pm. MP will be held in 2014 in doubles on the courts in the wolf and the case of favorable weather later in the week will be Tuesday, fashion October 28, 2014 2014 MP - individuals. Start again at 8.00 am winter time. >>
After dohrávce our "A" team with a team of "A" from the new set that we managed after the fight - 3: 1, were given a table OP and OS finalized. Unfortunately, both of our teams this year had worse scores as some of their rivals and to turn it was to know. The OP our "A" team with the same number fashion of points as the winner ... >>
After the holidays, which were filled tournament we again started the team competition. "A" team won the OP narrow win in Nove Sady and "B" team ended the season with a victory in the OS team of Oslavice 3: 1st >>
Tournaments in Nové Sady attended four players of our club, and behaved excellently. In singles Pavel Karasek lost in the finals of the tournament favorite David Ventruba. In čtyhře before the finale, it was clear that the title will go to Great Bites because the final was Bítešská affairs. Victory ... >> fashion
Full point gain in both the OP and OS enjoyed our team. For the "B" team win assumed, but "A" team surprisingly won the soil of the New Town - the winner of the last two years the OP and brought to the table promising big question mark. On 21 June 2014 pilgrimage "A" team hosts TC Matador Great Bites - yet ... >>
In thirty degree heat in OS předehrávce our "B" team overwhelm fashion Island home team the celebration. Scored Dvorak and M. Stejskal fashion P. In doubles pair Marek Dvorak-Vl. for already succumbed rozhodnutého state rivals and unfortunately fashion confirmed victories fashion third point. >>
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