Monday, November 10, 2014

Building Aqua Park Poolside Slavs, rebuilding the house of culture in Cerveny Hradek lshunter the d

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Daniel Petrushka (party member) has a birthday today. Congrats! Roman Onderka (Mayor of Brno) has a birthday today. Congrats! Frantisek Vacha (Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic) has a birthday today. Congrats! Martin Plíšek (Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament) have a birthday today. Congrats! Martin Bartak (no positions in the party) has a holiday lshunter today. Congrats! Martin Pecina (no positions in the party) lshunter has a holiday today. Congrats! Martin Bursik lshunter (without a position in the party) has a holiday today. Congrats! Martin Roman (party lshunter member) has a holiday today. Congrats! Martin trey (Senator Senate of the Czech Republic) has a holiday today. Congrats! Martin Kuba has a holiday today. Congrats! Martin Havel (vicehejtman Karlovy Vary Region) has a holiday today. Congrats! Martin Ander (Deputy Mayor of the City of Prague) has a holiday today. Congrats! Martin Hyský (Regional councilor Highland) has today a holiday. Congrats! Martin Kuba (party lshunter member) has a holiday today. Congrats! Ing. George Dolejš (MP) answered the question Putin JUDr. Miroslav Antl (senator) answered the question 25 years of democracy JUDr. Miroslav Antl (senator) answered the question Čuba JUDr. Miroslav Antl (senator) answered the question business law at the Constitutional Court Mgr. Stanislav Huml (MP) answered the question Mr Deputy ...
Building Aqua Park Poolside Slavs, rebuilding the house of culture in Cerveny Hradek lshunter the day care center for the elderly and nursery or construction of urban brewery Světovar. These are three of the many specific projects to social democracy in the next four years, wanted to improve the lives of local inhabitants. For details on these talks economic deputy mayor and leader of the Social Democrats candidate in Pilsen Martin Zrzavecký.
Yes, we do not want people to submit populist promises. We have a fresh experience of the management of the city and we can very clearly imagine what is real and what is not. Of course, our priorities'velké' things like the completion of the Western circuit, completing the modernization of water treatment plants lshunter or interline node Roast. Equally important are well'menší' projects, which have a huge impact on the quality of people's lives, such as rebuilding the house of culture in Cerveny Hradek.
We would like to get the Culture House in Cerveny Hradek the property of the town and rebuild it in a day care center for elderly people and kindergarten. There will be services for two different generations, which, however, may transmit a lot.
We want to promote the extension of opening hours of kindergartens 6 to 18 hours, and the establishment of more crèches. The demand for expansion of these services is among great parents. If you have children every day to be picked up until four in the afternoon, it is for them big complication.
The city already in 2009 commissioned a study reconstruction swimming area Slavs. That can occur outside of the enclosure, where the planned water park. Everything would be in one place, we would have two operating costs and neodlákali we visitors Slavic pool elsewhere. The total cost estimate is 300 million. But suppose that the final amount will be lower. The price of construction work went down significantly and in accordance with that study has been progressing and is therefore in part realized.
At present, in the area of building new premises for the Archive of the City and the rest should be created so. Cultural Factory - a center of alternative and classical culture and venues in various exhibitions, lectures, performances, etc. But grant that it is necessary, is more than uncertain. Therefore, the CSSD alternative, and that is a municipal brewery. lshunter
Brewery to Světovar historically belongs, and would support lshunter the tradition of brewing town of Pilsen. Pok

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