Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wow! I am always very impressed and a little envious lk bennett of people lk bennett who can so pla

Not so beautiful when the snow disappears, but it quickly lk bennett becomes better. We are neat and well finished in January and February is well underway, with mild weather, rain, sleet / snow and fog. Today the sun is shining in fact, for the first time in almost one month. Do good to see blue skies and proper light again, although I would like to jump at least one month ahead. I miss my garden and look like a kid to it being spring and dryland again. Missing the tense expectation by going around the garden and peek at everything that comes out of the ground. Colorful spring flowers and promising green sprouts on the slightly later plants. A little extra exciting this year, after cleaning and move could I had in late summer last year. It will be interesting both to see if the result of the changes are as expected and, not least, if all plants have clear "abuse" by being moved perhaps unfavorable point in FHT. flowering and growth. While I wait for spring I enjoy a foretaste in the basement. Since drivhuseet collapsed earlier in the winter, I have a bit more limited space to push forward cuttings and seedlings, but I could not sense to limit myself. This year, the summer flowers that are in focus. Lots of summer flowers. The goal is a summer garden that will flourish in a colorful and exuberant bloom, lk bennett along with all the perennials I already have. Very good room it was here when the previous years I used windowsills in the living room to germinate. This year, I try me with stub box on the bathroom floor. Bought a low plastic box with lid (clear plastic) where frøpottene placed. It is limited to light where the cash is, so here it is important to monitor and move the pots to light as soon as it begins to sprout. If the pots standing lk bennett a few days till after germination, it is very fast long, slender and pale sprouts. In plant room hangs the amount of light fixtures, where the pots will stand and grow with. Spire Cash has so far proven to be successful. Many seeds germinate lk bennett after 2-3 days. Undervanningsduk bottom and lid on the checkout, ensure uniform moisture and minimal need for watering. I actually do not think I have water even once since I started on 1 January. Through water pot before putting down the cash and then they manage themselves. No signs of mold or rothalsråte so far.
In the basement are the seedlings plenty of light. The lights hang from 20 to 30 cm. of pots and stands at 16 to 18 hours a day. Gazania were the first to germinate lk bennett this year. Two days it took before the pots were full of sprouts. They are already well suited and I should say that I have enough Gazania for this year. 150 pots hold enough even for my large garden ;-) There are still some seed packets that are not sown, so you need to plan the use of available space.
To compensate somewhat for the lack of greenhouse, I plan to use the basement time too, as it must Prikler more and shelves in plant room fills up. 4 new 2x36W lamps, wiring, connectors and timers have been purchased and are being installed. This will give me room for approx. 350 pots, divided in 4 under irrigation boards. Along with the space I already have, it should keep for this year's production (I hope). To not challenge fate, I try to NOT make multiple cuttings of Brugmansia and Fuchsia this spring. I have a board with pre messy Brugmansia lk bennett and normally I'd started to produce more these days, but lack of space tells me that I should let it be. The clue is to throw cuttings, but it sure was not easy. I hate to throw anything that's life, but doing the best I can. Close your eyes and hide it down in the checkout waste ;-) Now it remains to see how it goes with the repair of the greenhouse. I have a little hope that I can get a temporary solution when spring comes, so at least I can use parts of the greenhouse to harden seedlings before they can out of the border. Looks to me a possible solution with bubble wrap, then we will make the repair a little later, when the house can be emptied again.
Wow! I am always very impressed and a little envious lk bennett of people lk bennett who can so plants in larger or smaller amounts. In my small city apartment is not so easy to get to, so I have to limit myself lk bennett to bet on any staudefrø I set out on the balcony over the winter. :-( But it is wonderful to see how things grow with you :-) Good luck with seedlings and cuttings! :-) AND luck with rebuilding your greenhouse! Stein Reply Delete
I could probably never lived in the apartment. I think I would have gone into a heavy depression, if I had not had the space inside and the garden lk bennett outside. Tags only I visit people who live like that, over the weekend. Moments home to home and garden, lk bennett after a few days. But you have garden in Sweden and in Spain you then, though it is some distance away :-) Delete
Hmm .. think and make me one planterom even here .. plenty of stalls and take off ... :-) maybe it will be the next project .. Lovely sunny day .. almost a little spring out :-) .. But will probably be more .. enjoy your day :-) Reply Delete

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