Saturday, February 22, 2014

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"The Naked Gun" was a delightful and made parody film, which hit the spot within its sub-genre. The sequel was almost a must, but it is never as accurate as its predecessor.
There is panic and chaos in the streets. Police Detective Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) is back, and this means that either allies or enemies can feel safe. Not even the president's nb wife can feel safe. Especially not her, actually. This time, Drebin win back the love of his life, while he must put an end to the sinister intentions of a rich playboy.
And with that you realize perhaps that there is a sea between the sequel and its predecessor. As for the plot, of course. For entertainment value plunge - with a little belly flop at the end - when Frank Drebin and his escapades tails out relatively short time with lots of uvittige skits, parodies and comments. The most fortunate of "The Naked Gun 2 1/2" is that it actually has more lash in parts of the dialogue.
And it's probably a bit here, I feel a sense of loss. The film never tries to renew itself, but it sticks to a fairly similar plot and actually nb has many of the same characters with in tow this time too. They also placed some stereotypical characters in some of the new roles, but it works quite well considering that the film is intended to parody police and crime movies. At the site also looms sequel a few heads higher than the rubbish that is being created in parody movies these days.
Leslie Nielsen is certainly in good shape, also in this movie. Director David Zucker is however nb a bit slower and less daring than the last. He tries never to developing humor and he has removed what was tension in the previous film. Thus the "Naked Gun 2 1/2" as a boring, stripped version nb of its predecessor.
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