Thursday, February 27, 2014


Þessi fína ullarkápa frá Ganni hefur ekki farið fram hjá þeim sem að fylgjast með götutískunni þetta haustið. En þetta er ein af þeim flíkum sem að var talin algjört “musthave” fyrir fyrir flestar fashionisturnar enda líklegt að Ganni hafi valið þessa kápu til þess að senda út frá sér í von um að þetta myndi gerast – hún yrði hæpuð upp. Sem að svo gerðist.
Þessi ótrúlega fína flík kostar 65.000 krónur eða 400 Evrur. Mín skoðun á svona áberandi flík er að þú elskar hana í einn vetur en svo færðu lika nóg af henni þegar að fer að vora sama ár. Þeas trend sem að ég persónulega myndi ekki leggja þessa upphæð fyrir – en sitt sýnist hverjum.
Þessi hér að neðan er aftur á móti frá Zöru og kostar 25.000 íslenskar krónur eða 150 Evrur og er mér frekar að skapi – fínasta verð fyrir köflótta kápu. Hún er auðvitað vandræðalega lík hinni fyrir ofan og hvort sem að það sé tilviljun eða ekki er erfitt að segja til um.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

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Fann loksins nógu stóra tösku fyrir skólann í Zöru um daginn. Þar er fullt af fallegum töskum á útsölu en þessi var fyrir valinu hjá mér, þetta var örugglega stærsta taskan sem ég fann, ég vildi vera viss um að bæði talvan og bækurnar myndu passa í hana. 
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Viking mode VikingMode is a blog by Amna & Nejra, cousins faith based in Iceland. It is a inspirational style diary with photography taken by them (and others) and everything about fashion and their personal style. If you want to contact us just send a email on: View my complete profile
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Monday, February 24, 2014

Ég held það viti ekki allir af þessari búð og því langaði ara mig að vekja athygli á henni. Þegar ma

Allt úr Zara Home.
Ég kaupi mér öðru hvoru eina og eina nýja teskeið en mér finnst mjög skemmtilegt að skreyta borðhaldið með mismunandi skeiðum. ara Þessar silfurskeiðar henta t.d vel í sykurkarið eða í ristuðu furuhneturnar.
Ég ara ákvað að fara í gegnum iPhoto og taka sama nokkrar myndir til að sýna ykkur þær vörur sem ég hef keypt í Zara Home, því þar versla ég mjög mikið fyrir heimilið. Ég skora á ykkur að kíkja við næst þegar þið farið erlendis en þeir bjóða upp á mjög góðar og svo fallegar vörur á sanngjörnu verði. Náttsloppar, inniskór, handklæði, sængurföt og náttföt frá Zara Home gæti t.d verið frábær jólagjöf, fyrir bæði kyn, en almennt eru þær vörur mjög vel heppnaðar hjá þeim. Öll handklæðin mín eru frá ZH og mér finnst ég eiga bestu handklæði ara ( og náttslopp ) í heimi :-)
Ég held það viti ekki allir af þessari búð og því langaði ara mig að vekja athygli á henni. Þegar mamma fór með mér í Zara Home í fyrsta skipti sagði hún að henni liði eins og alka í áfengisverslun og ég gæti ekki verið meira sammála ! Maður verður algjörlega sjúkur í allt og stundum ráfa ég bara um því ég get ekki ákveðið hvar ég eigi að byrja. Vörunum er stillt svo fallega upp og lyktin í búðinni fær mann til að langa að flytja þangað inn og fara aldrei aftur út.
Svart á Hvítu 26. November 2013
Steinunn Hjartardóttir 26. November 2013
Mikið er heimilið ykkar dásamlega fallegt. Ég sé að við erum að nota nkl sömu ilmkerti úr Zara Home undir blóm, snilldar 2 flugur ara í einu höggi :) Ég DÝRKA þessa verslun og þyrfti akút að skreppa ara til Hamburg og heimsækja hana med det samme!!
Sjá Emanuel ara ofurkrútt – ég fékk sting í hjartað, hann er svo fallegur!! <3 En heimilið ykkar er náttúrulega sjúklega fallegt og kósý og yndislegt! Ég vildi svo mikið að ég kæmist í Zara home reglulega!!! baaaa.. þessi búð fer alveg með mann!
Dagný Björg 9. December 2013
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

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Ég notaði hana í fyrsta sinn í gær og smellti þessum myndum sem eru alls ekki í bestu gæðunum. Kápuna og gallabuxurnar keypti ég hvort tveggja í Zöru í London. Buxurnar voru úr nýja collection-inu og því ekki á afslætti. Þær voru hinsvegar alls ekki dýrar og fengu að fljóta með. Skyrtan var einnig prom dresses keypt í London fyrir slikk í H&M.  Skórnir eru gamlir frá Jeffrey Campbell, keyptir í GS skóm og heita Everly. - Erum með nákvæmlega sömu týpu til sölu upp í skóbúð núna nema í staðinn fyrir cut-outið er teygja. Þeir heita Smother, eru alls ekki síðri og líta svona út. Love it
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Fanney Ingvarsdóttir 22 years old girl from Iceland. prom dresses Was crowned Miss Iceland 2010. Represented Iceland in Miss World 2010 and in Miss Supranational 2013. Passionate about everything that comes with fashion, sports, body exercise, food, traveling and my friends and family. Contact: View my complete profile
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Vestið - Buxurnar - Skórnir - SELT! Ég var of bjartsýn gladiator í dag þegar ég taldi mér trú um að

Vestið - Buxurnar - Skórnir - SELT! Ég var of bjartsýn gladiator í dag þegar ég taldi mér trú um að ég gæti kíkt AÐEINS á lokaútsöluna í ZARA! Búðin var troðfull af fólki og allt var morandi í útsöluvörum. Þá voru afgreiðslukassarnir pakkaðir og raðirnar í mátunarklefana endalausar. Allt framangreint hafði þó engin áhrif á búðasjúku dömuna og beið ég m.a. í 30 mínútur til að geta mátað fötin sem ég hafði valið af mikilli kostgæfni. Þegar ég komst svo loksins að í mátunarklefanum var ég svo búin á því að ég tók mér dágóðan tíma í mátunina og smellti svo í lokinn einni mynd af dressinu sigri hrósandi. Note to self: Líklegasta orsökin fyrir þessari OF löngu röð eru upptjúnaðar gladiator stúlkukindur í "dress up" leik!!! ;D 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

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"The Naked Gun" was a delightful and made parody film, which hit the spot within its sub-genre. The sequel was almost a must, but it is never as accurate as its predecessor.
There is panic and chaos in the streets. Police Detective Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) is back, and this means that either allies or enemies can feel safe. Not even the president's nb wife can feel safe. Especially not her, actually. This time, Drebin win back the love of his life, while he must put an end to the sinister intentions of a rich playboy.
And with that you realize perhaps that there is a sea between the sequel and its predecessor. As for the plot, of course. For entertainment value plunge - with a little belly flop at the end - when Frank Drebin and his escapades tails out relatively short time with lots of uvittige skits, parodies and comments. The most fortunate of "The Naked Gun 2 1/2" is that it actually has more lash in parts of the dialogue.
And it's probably a bit here, I feel a sense of loss. The film never tries to renew itself, but it sticks to a fairly similar plot and actually nb has many of the same characters with in tow this time too. They also placed some stereotypical characters in some of the new roles, but it works quite well considering that the film is intended to parody police and crime movies. At the site also looms sequel a few heads higher than the rubbish that is being created in parody movies these days.
Leslie Nielsen is certainly in good shape, also in this movie. Director David Zucker is however nb a bit slower and less daring than the last. He tries never to developing humor and he has removed what was tension in the previous film. Thus the "Naked Gun 2 1/2" as a boring, stripped version nb of its predecessor.
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Chief Editor: Sindre Grading Managing Editor: Øystein T. Drabløs Technical Director: Kristian Saksvik Munkvold

Friday, February 21, 2014

Andreas is responsible for media content in addition to dancing and acting. He plans how the media

Andreas Hansen Schille (29) is a teacher at Trondheim Cathedral School and Head of Media and Kommunikasjonslinjens part of "A Piece of the Constitution." We've got a little insight into his thoughts stradivarius on the show. - I was asked before the summer if I wanted to join because they needed someone to take charge of the media section and I knew Kristofer (dramaturg) already.
Andreas is responsible for media content in addition to dancing and acting. He plans how the media can help to enhance the expression of the performance using video, animation and images.
He has high expectations for the show and think it will be a real gala performance. He believes all students are working very well and gets filled with expectations when he sees how everyone is working hard to achieve this. - It starts in earnest for the media class as well now, and it will be fun! This is not something I do very often, so it's exciting.
Andreas Schille excited mass, and think it will be a great event for the whole city. He thinks the stakes are super: - I was just writing to an email and boasted of my students. stradivarius Everyone takes it seriously and get to a real product.
Andreas is not nationalistic, and believes stradivarius that nationalism is a pitfall we must be careful not to fall in. He believes stradivarius nationalism must be toned down and that we also need to promote relevant topics today - like that which our multicultural society.
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

- Here we see almost a popular movement to teach them to use public services online. Older people w

Last week came the formal rules in place.
Henrik Andersen is chairman of E-box Norway and believes that the government is going to have to start preparing people for the digital mailbox now if the masses will use it. Photo: Espen Zachariassen Late students
- Here we see almost a popular movement to teach them to use public services online. Older people who master this learning to others on a large scale, says Andersen. Long maturation
He does not want to talk about the tender process manolo blahnik until a decision but speaking openly about the challenge will probably manolo blahnik be to get everyone to use a web-based solution over traditional postal service.
- This will only work if both parties feel that the digital solution has a new value. If either a service or user gets something in return for switching, the digital channel die, warns E-box-boss.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The music they dance to

Michael think it's okay to be the only boy in the dance group. He thought it was a bit difficult and unfamiliar at first, because there was not any to speak of "kid stuff" with. - There was much talk about makeup and I was afraid it would be a lot more drama - but I thrive.
Michael starts the show in "A Piece of the Constitution," and find it great fun. Often he gets extra roles because he is a boy. They have not started fully with rehearsals for the show yet, but have gone through some dances. He looks forward to working more with the show.
The costumes vary from scene to scene, costume designers would make Michael wear skirts - but he left off. In the first scene he plays a kind of cell, and must imagine moda the first creature on earth, and will open the show in a "jellyfish-like" costume.
The music they dance to "A Piece of the Constitution" is alive and played to musical and is different than what Michael and the other dancers used to dance to. - We'll just hear a demo of the music we gonna dance to, where we have to practice after stroke and counting. It is slightly different from how it sounds live, and therefore makes it a little difficult. But it's good exercise! Michael dances really breakdance and hip-hop, so it was challenging to begin the dance program, where they dance most modern / contemporary, moda ballet and jazz.
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The first Troll car was unveiled to the press on 6 November 1956. It was not quite finished, but th

Troll was a Norwegian car produced w9 replay by Troll Plastic Body and Automotive in Lunde, Telemark between 1956 and 1958. Troll was built on a modified Gutbrod Superiod frame, with a Gutbrod 700 cc two-stroke engine, mounted on a Norwegian built body made of glass fiber reinforced polyester. The body was made using shapes from Hanns Trippel, from the early 1950s. The car was equipped with a three-stage gearbox from Hurth.
Glass was a relatively new material in the late 1950s, and the benefits were many. It can not corrode, Troll, 130 kg lighter than a similar car in the metal, and production would be considerably easier - and therefore cheaper. w9 replay The idea behind the Troll was to build the world's first mass-produced glassfiberbil outside w9 replay the U.S., then no one else at the time produced cars in fiberglass with the exception of Ford, who built his Corvette of the material. Engineering At Kohl-Larsen got the forms to the car in Germany, from Hanns Trippel was behind w9 replay the design.
The first Troll car was unveiled to the press on 6 November 1956. It was not quite finished, but the chassis and bodywork was done. The car could not be driven, and this specimen was later used as a prototype, which made many changes later, during testing. Both Norwegian and foreign press showed great enthusiasm for the project. The first customer got the car delivered w9 replay on 1st May 1957.
As production continued to Kohl-Larsen to work hard to get permission from the government to sell the car. He was only allowed to sell 15 cars in Norway, w9 replay due to an agreement Norway had with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to buy cars from them that they acted against Norwegian fish products. The authorities were afraid that Norwegian car production would upset the balance of trade. Kohl-Larsen let therefore plans to export cars to Germany and Denmark. There was also demand from countries w9 replay such as Finland and Belgium, and at one point there were plans to build 2,000 cars annually. As said factory satisfied with a production of one copy per day.
The company never allowed to sell more than 15 cars on the Norwegian market. In addition, they do not hold the necessary capital to start mass production, and when the authorities made it clear that they would never support the Troll production left Investors project. Thus, the company went bankrupt early in 1958, with only five completed copies of Troll. w9 replay
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Monday, February 17, 2014

What happens now? The curve below shows the difference in taxes between 2014 and 2010. It also incl

Tax relief for pension income - to a certain extent, but not yet the goal. "
Government's adjustment footasylum of the national budget inherited from the red-green is adjusted. It shows that you want to correct something that the abuse started footasylum in 2011 and has continued until now. There are still aftershocks that hit a large group of retirees.
Brief flashbacks. After the tax reform of 2010, the approx. one third of the country's pensioners rather large tax increases. Twice as high as the government had told. The rationale was that tax increases for this group would finance tax cuts for those who had lower pensions. In short, a social transferred to the pensioners who had pensions on top of their state retirement pension. If this was private pension savings did not matter.
The name was "cost-sharing". A strange kind of splicing! A third party comes with the goods, which so consumed by the other two thirds. No wonder there were reactions, especially for those with private pensions where development has been quite different from that of public pensions. Many had the last 13 years had a negative trend of purchasing footasylum power. It was these pensions that were hit by tax increases!
What happens now? The curve below shows the difference in taxes between 2014 and 2010. It also included a graph of what happened in 2011 (green curve). The calculations are for an unmarried pensioner. The red curve shows the previous red-green government's current proposals. The blue curve shows the state budget after it was adjusted by the current government.
Seniors with an annual pension larger than approx. 400.000 footasylum million will still pay more in taxes than they paid in taxes for a corresponding pension income in 2010, ie before the tax reform. But the effects of the assault from 2011 has been muted. footasylum
Payroll Tax Vs. Pension Tax. If you ask the Ministry footasylum of Finance will respond that there is less tax on pensions than on wages. Our politicians think consequently the same. Numerically footasylum they are right, but there's a catch to that claim. And the catch is social security tax. Insurance fee is included in the concept of tax, and used for two purposes - health and pensions. The pension component is used to build up future pension footasylum of an employee. footasylum A pensioner has presumably footasylum built up their pension and retirement portion of Social Security tax will therefore lapse.
After correcting for this, and then do a comparison of salaries tax and pension tax, the result is the following: Revenues of the approx. footasylum 375.000 million: Pension income means lower taxes than earned income. Revenues of approx. 375.000 million: Pension income higher taxes than earned income.
Why does not the Ministry of Finance as this? Simply because one has taken a political grip by saying that it no longer is a pensjonsdel and helsedel. We just have different rates, without further definition. Redefine to explain away is an old political trick, and has received both politicians and other national pundits to go five on.
The political parties' attitudes. With the exception of the Progress Party and the Conservatives have all the political footasylum parties have been very interested in correcting the fiscal abuse that began in 2011. The red-green has indeed footasylum restrained, and reduced premiums significantly footasylum since then. These premiums footasylum are now further cut in half by the new government. The Progress Party and the Conservative government should be possible to correct the rest of the biases, and with it put the world's strangest form of "cost-sharing" dead.
FRP wrote in his election program: "Some groups of pensioners can not be imposed financial responsibility for other pensioners through the tax system." Right wrote in his program: "Ensuring a fairer taxation of pensioners."
None of these statements were quantified footasylum and therefore can mean anything. But taxes are now not even rhetoric, tax figures in NOK. Therefore, we must resort to other information. For example, the number that parties put into their alternative budget for 2013, which was continued in the form of election promises for 2014.
With a combination of Conservatives and the Progress Party government ought to be well in place to correct the rest of the TAXATION biases. A specific election promise from the Conservatives, which is really a continuation of what they said in 2010 regarding tax deduction for pension income will largely footasylum remove the rest of the biases, and be in accordance with the Progress Party has expressed in his program.
Pensioners task: LRE has been a significant driving force in the matter of tax on pension income, and above all concentrated on the very unfortunate effect footasylum this has had on private occupational pensions and private pensions.
The task ahead is to keep going and remind both FRP and Right about what they have promised. Already in January 2014 produced the first draft of the State Budget for 2015. Our case m

The first Kristofer thought his request was that there were very many people who would participate

Kristofer Grønskag (29) is a playwright, and head and lyricist behind michael jordan the show, "A michael jordan Slice Constitution." He has been given free rein and had fun with a task that is relatively different and much bigger than what he is used to working with. Kristofer has been forced to challenge themselves and think in new ways. This is the first major piece playwright has worked with and he is very excited about the final result. Kristofer has now done what he can in terms of performance, and throwing the ball through to directors and actors.
The first Kristofer thought his request was that there were very many people who would participate in the performance. He was told that among other things would be with 130 musicians and 90 dancers, and this was one of the reasons he agreed. Kristofer also felt that the show was to promote an important issue, which was also one of the reasons why the project aroused interest playwright.
Kristofer want to get people to think about how good we have it in Norway, and that we must constantly work to ensure that we will continue to have it so good in the future. He believes that we often talk about ourselves as if we are alone in the world, we must understand that we certainly are.
Lyricist is pleased with many of the scenes in the show. He is particularly pleased with the opening scene - which shows the history of the universe until 1814. Kristofer has not yet seen any of the exercises, but have heard a bit of music, and like it well. He has great faith in the players and think the result is awesome.
The fact that Christopher was a playwright was completely random. He came to Trondheim to play the drums, but a situation arose which meant that he could not go on the audition. He began studying drama instead, which he liked very much. It ended up studying this for five years, and wrote theater for UKA - which gave me a taste. Since then he has written a number of pieces and plan to continue this in future.
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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Related This entry was posted in Watercolors, Colors, Craftsmanship, Composition, Art, workshop, 4

I have started two works ... and I have the most perfect "blotching" / cutouts paper, an old French book from 1907, it lets the color just the way I want and take it slow, this is not a collage or attempt collage.
How and how much color permeable paper is a technically interesting technique, but without a basic composition it does not work ... now we'll see how it goes with these works ... maybe they come on exhibit at Art Bank-Hamar until autumn.
Related This entry was posted in Watercolors, Colors, Craftsmanship, Composition, Art, workshop, 4 January 2014 by Trond. Post navigation Instagram and composition From sketches to results
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Saturday, February 15, 2014


Jo da visst er det fremgang på denne genseren som bl.a. jeg er med å teststrikke  for torirot . Men til tross for at bolen gikk veldig raskt så har det stoppet litt opp, eller ihvertfall går det litt langsommere, etter at jeg begynte på ermene. Jeg ble ikke helt enig med meg selv om jeg skulle strikke ermene med magic loop på lang rundpinne eller liten rundpinne så det gikk først litt i rykk og napp. Jeg besluttet meg for å bruke liten rundpinne så lenge det går, før ermet blir for smalt, for så å gå over til magic loop etterhvert. Nå er jeg i gang igjen og det er jeg glad for fordi denne gleder jeg meg virkelig til å ta i bruk. Nå er dagen på vei å våkne her utenfor, det ser ut som det blir en flott dag :-)
Den genseren blir kjempefiiiin!!! Er det så at , du med vilje, har gjort mønsteret hobo foran, litt lysere? Det ble bare så fint. Ellers er jo både farger og mønster helt nydelig sammen. Forte deg å bli nyt strikkingen. Ha en fin dag. Svar Slett
Takk. Jeg skal skynde meg langsomt ;) Jeg følger mønsteret til torirot til punkt og prikke og det er laget slik at mønstringen midt foran og bak er litt mer fremhevet og hvis du ser nøye etter ser du at rosene/stjernene er litt annerledes der, liksom fyldigere. Slett
Så fint en farveleg i genseren. Glæder mig til at se den færdig! Jeg har også en diskussion med mig selv, om ærmer skal strikke med magic loop eller strømpepinde... Magic loop vinder oftest! Svar Slett
Den blir flott! Jeg strikket ermene med to rundpinner, det fungerer veldig greit hele veien. Min genser er ferdig strikket, men jeg har ennå en jobb å gjøre med en del tråder som skal festes:) Svar Slett
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Friday, February 14, 2014

Natten i Kigali av Karl Hoff

Om supre NDF Vedtekter Styret og utvalg Administrasjon Medlemmer Medlemskap Priser Pressemeldinger Publikasjoner Avtalene Stipend/støtte Stipend Vederlag Utviklingsstøtten Oversetterstøtte Skjemaer og blanketter Medlemssider Fellesmøter supre Medlemsfordeler Barcelona Skjemaer og blanketter UTCAST Lenker English supre Contracts Translation grants
19.desember 1938 satt åtte dramatikere rundt et bord på hotell Continental her i byen. Det var herrene Brinchmann, Brohmann, Bugge, Bø, Christensen, Egge, Kielland og Øverland. Sammen vedtok de et lovforslag supre bestående av…
Stig Nilsson lager musikal om krimgåte på Hankø (
Natten i Kigali av Karl Hoff
25 mar
Arkiv Velg måned februar 2014  (38) januar 2014  (86) desember 2013  (92) november 2013  (105) oktober 2013  (92) september 2013  (102) august 2013  (86) juli 2013  (54) juni 2013  (72) mai 2013  (93) april 2013  (101) supre mars 2013  (93) februar 2013  (98) januar 2013  (126) desember 2012  (91) november 2012  (58) oktober 2012  (53) september 2012  (40) august 2012  (12) juli 2012  (5) juni 2012  (19) mai 2012  (30) april 2012  (29) mars 2012  (38) februar 2012  (24) januar 2012  (31) desember 2011  (15) supre november 2011  (34) oktober 2011  (27) september 2011  (29) august 2011  (31) juli 2011  (5) juni 2011  (23) mai 2011  (31) april 2011  (34) mars 2011  (39) februar 2011  (45) januar 2011  (35) desember 2010  (25) november 2010  (32) oktober 2010  (16) september 2010  (42) august 2010  (22) juli 2010  (9) juni 2010  (23) mai 2010  (26) april 2010  (26) mars 2010  (29) februar 2010  (21) januar 2010  (18) desember 2009  (20) november 2009  (26) oktober 2009  (32) september 2009  (27) august 2009  (28) juli 2009  (13) juni 2009  (40) mai 2009  (32) april 2009  (26) mars 2009  (39) februar 2009  (38) januar 2009  (28) desember 2008  (25) november 2008  (40) oktober 2008  (54) september 2008  (20) august 2008  (8) juli 2008  (1) juni 2008  (3) mai 2008  (5) april 2008  (8) mars 2008  (11) februar 2008  (6) januar 2008  (6) desember 2007  (6) november 2007  (8) oktober 2007  (3) september 2007  (8) supre august 2007  (4) juli 2007  (2) juni 2007  (5) mai 2007  (5) april 2007  (5) mars 2007  (6) februar 2007  (5) januar 2007  (6) desember 2006  (1) september 2006  (6) august 2006  (2) juni 2006  (9) mai 2006  (4) april 2006  (5) mars 2006  (8) februar supre 2006  (5) januar 2006  (7) desember 2005  (5) november 2005  (7) oktober 2005  (8) supre september supre 2005  (16) juni 2005  (1)

The Bible Centre in Kapenguria challenged in 2004 by missionary wives a local artist to paint somet

The Bible Centre in Kapenguria challenged in 2004 by missionary wives a local artist to paint something nice on the wall of the refectory. The artist named Alfred Oduya, he has his house on the slopes down towards Makutano. I think the answer was in excess of what she had thought possible. When one comes in now and will sit - on the east wall there is an interpretation of the Eucharist which is just outstanding. Jesus and the disciples have been Pokot!
Many times, the mission has been accused of that we bring something external and alien into the local culture. It is true from one side speaking, andrea but the gospel comes to us from the outside is taken in and made my own. Belief be translated and is no longer missionary, but a vital part of my local culture. At his best, Christian mission helped to preserve local culture and language. To be evangelized gave dignity and self-respect which made them more aware and fond of his own. I think this has actually happened in parts of Pokot. Churches in Pokot invested in the local language, developed initially andrea simple andrea readings in terms of reading and writing, so regular translation of both the Old and New Testament, collected fairy tales, folklore and songs. Had not it been done so had Pokot culture probably andrea been deathblow andrea first eighty's. It was rolled down by the larger andrea society andrea that had nothing but contempt and shrug to spare for any warlike cattle thieves in Uganda border. But thus has many become Christians. And Jesus speaks Pokot out in the churches, the singing and testimony fresh - creating indigenous theology. Parts of the biblical message, especially that of the importance of blood and the value of the atoning sacrifice, goes straight andrea into a religious life where one also in the traditional religion was taught that sin must be cleansed and atoned for. Christian faith has been a valuable resource for them as they will define the future what it means to be Pokot!
2014 (6) January (6) The pilgrimage to Mwino -1 Boknotat - D. Taylor: The skeptical believer. Tell ... A piece of local theology, signed A. Oduya Course Weeks on Kapenguria Bible Center NLM Archive - an exciting workplace in 2013 - job change and relocation 2012 (9) November (1) February (1) January (7) 2011 (1 ) December (1)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wow! I am always very impressed and a little envious lk bennett of people lk bennett who can so pla

Not so beautiful when the snow disappears, but it quickly lk bennett becomes better. We are neat and well finished in January and February is well underway, with mild weather, rain, sleet / snow and fog. Today the sun is shining in fact, for the first time in almost one month. Do good to see blue skies and proper light again, although I would like to jump at least one month ahead. I miss my garden and look like a kid to it being spring and dryland again. Missing the tense expectation by going around the garden and peek at everything that comes out of the ground. Colorful spring flowers and promising green sprouts on the slightly later plants. A little extra exciting this year, after cleaning and move could I had in late summer last year. It will be interesting both to see if the result of the changes are as expected and, not least, if all plants have clear "abuse" by being moved perhaps unfavorable point in FHT. flowering and growth. While I wait for spring I enjoy a foretaste in the basement. Since drivhuseet collapsed earlier in the winter, I have a bit more limited space to push forward cuttings and seedlings, but I could not sense to limit myself. This year, the summer flowers that are in focus. Lots of summer flowers. The goal is a summer garden that will flourish in a colorful and exuberant bloom, lk bennett along with all the perennials I already have. Very good room it was here when the previous years I used windowsills in the living room to germinate. This year, I try me with stub box on the bathroom floor. Bought a low plastic box with lid (clear plastic) where frøpottene placed. It is limited to light where the cash is, so here it is important to monitor and move the pots to light as soon as it begins to sprout. If the pots standing lk bennett a few days till after germination, it is very fast long, slender and pale sprouts. In plant room hangs the amount of light fixtures, where the pots will stand and grow with. Spire Cash has so far proven to be successful. Many seeds germinate lk bennett after 2-3 days. Undervanningsduk bottom and lid on the checkout, ensure uniform moisture and minimal need for watering. I actually do not think I have water even once since I started on 1 January. Through water pot before putting down the cash and then they manage themselves. No signs of mold or rothalsråte so far.
In the basement are the seedlings plenty of light. The lights hang from 20 to 30 cm. of pots and stands at 16 to 18 hours a day. Gazania were the first to germinate lk bennett this year. Two days it took before the pots were full of sprouts. They are already well suited and I should say that I have enough Gazania for this year. 150 pots hold enough even for my large garden ;-) There are still some seed packets that are not sown, so you need to plan the use of available space.
To compensate somewhat for the lack of greenhouse, I plan to use the basement time too, as it must Prikler more and shelves in plant room fills up. 4 new 2x36W lamps, wiring, connectors and timers have been purchased and are being installed. This will give me room for approx. 350 pots, divided in 4 under irrigation boards. Along with the space I already have, it should keep for this year's production (I hope). To not challenge fate, I try to NOT make multiple cuttings of Brugmansia and Fuchsia this spring. I have a board with pre messy Brugmansia lk bennett and normally I'd started to produce more these days, but lack of space tells me that I should let it be. The clue is to throw cuttings, but it sure was not easy. I hate to throw anything that's life, but doing the best I can. Close your eyes and hide it down in the checkout waste ;-) Now it remains to see how it goes with the repair of the greenhouse. I have a little hope that I can get a temporary solution when spring comes, so at least I can use parts of the greenhouse to harden seedlings before they can out of the border. Looks to me a possible solution with bubble wrap, then we will make the repair a little later, when the house can be emptied again.
Wow! I am always very impressed and a little envious lk bennett of people lk bennett who can so plants in larger or smaller amounts. In my small city apartment is not so easy to get to, so I have to limit myself lk bennett to bet on any staudefrø I set out on the balcony over the winter. :-( But it is wonderful to see how things grow with you :-) Good luck with seedlings and cuttings! :-) AND luck with rebuilding your greenhouse! Stein Reply Delete
I could probably never lived in the apartment. I think I would have gone into a heavy depression, if I had not had the space inside and the garden lk bennett outside. Tags only I visit people who live like that, over the weekend. Moments home to home and garden, lk bennett after a few days. But you have garden in Sweden and in Spain you then, though it is some distance away :-) Delete
Hmm .. think and make me one planterom even here .. plenty of stalls and take off ... :-) maybe it will be the next project .. Lovely sunny day .. almost a little spring out :-) .. But will probably be more .. enjoy your day :-) Reply Delete

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Light straw / lemon yellow, interspersed with green tones. Composite fragrance impression of that y

Wine tips: José Maria da Fonseca a piece of Portuguese vinhistorie ~ Magazine Vinofil
The two regions DOC Palmela and Setúbal, as well as a few other areas, are summarized as Peninsula de Setubal, named after the peninsula volcom of the same name. It is located right on the border to the capital Lisbon. As a regional vinbetegnelse has chosen the more sonorous name "Terras do Sado". The name used for dry white wines, but also some semi-arid and even some exquisite sweet wines, as well as some of the best red wines in Portugal.
José Maria da Fonseca began operations in 1834, and the family volcom has maintained and further developed it since then. The company has always emphasized and invested in research and manufacture and combines traditional methods with modern technology. They have always had an amazing ability to constantly renew itself. At present volcom the company owns and cultivates over 1000 hectares of vineyards. The brothers António Domingos Soares Franco - family heirs in the sixth generation, the company's president and vice president. Antonio, the eldest of the brothers are educated lawyer, volcom Domingos, the youngest is oenophiles. After studies at Davis in California started Domingos in 1980 his work at the family business. His development and philosophy oenologist and winemaker has undoubtedly been greatly affected and influenced by his father Fernando Soares volcom Franco and his uncle António Porto Soares Franco.
During his tenure as head of viticulture and production Domingos has introduced a number of changes in the company. As mentioned and praised him as one of his generation's most innovative oenophiles. There are countless examples of what he has performed, his famous noble sweet Moscatel de Setubal there are not many that come up on the side. The wine produced hovedaskelig of Moscatel volcom grapes (at least 67 percent), possibly supplemented with other local grapes
Wine-making of the noble sweet wine is almost like port wine, ie wine fermented with grape skins until fermentation is stopped by adding alcohol. The difference from the port is the connector shell is maintained for several months volcom after the grape spirit is added. Then the wine is stored in barrels for a varying number of years and is sold with age indication, or 20 Years Old. Younger versions of wine has pronounced fruit and distinctly Clary character, while older has a complex scent of caramel, wood, nuts and dried fruit from the long fatlagringen. volcom The wine can be very old. JM da Fonseca, has had over a hundred year old wine for sale, but has in recent times most focused on wine Alambre Moscatel de Setúbal 20 Years Old. It belongs clearly to one of the great classic wines in the world.
JM da Fonseca has also made his mark as rødvindprodusent the Setúbal Peninsula. Particularly known in the Norwegian volcom market is red wine "Periquita". The wine is made from grape Periquita, the local name for the grape Castelão France. The company's founder, José Maria de Fonseca brought the grape to the region 160 years ago. Today, this grape is a dominant part of the company's wine production. It is grown and thrive in Palmela, where the area's sandy and clayey soils brings out its best qualities. volcom It is a wine that, despite its affordable price, always show a very good quality and durability. Periquita has only status as Vinho Regional Terras do Sado, but is Portugal's oldest brand of wine, created 150 years ago. In Norway and Vinmonopolet came "Periquita" in 1969 - for roughly 45 years ago. Importer in Norway, all these years, has always been Einar A. Engelstad. Domingos fresh clean white wines were also well worth taking in our review and test.
Clear pale yellow. Delicate aroma with mineral tones and fruit of apricot, pasjonsrukt. Rounded acid character, appealing fruits - apricot / passion fruit, which confirms and supports the aroma impression further. Enjoy the mild dishes of fish and shellfish
Light straw / lemon yellow, interspersed with green tones. Composite fragrance impression of that yellow melon and peach topped with citrus. volcom Acid Fresh projections in good balance with the fruit of fragrance impression. Medium length. Great as an aperitif volcom and dishes of shellfish and fish, often with mildly spicy relish
Deep dark red, violet edge. Fragrances attractive mature dark berries, fat/røyk- and spice tones. Refreshing acidity with cool fruit in the estimate, tight but somewhat volcom rounded tannin flavor. A good choice for flavorful stews, preferably volcom from forests and plains. Good wine at good price. volcom
Deep dark, dense core. Aroma of rich ripe blåplommer, berries, blackberries / blueberries and Fatton interspersed with leather / tobacco with a hint of spice. Rich fullness in the estimate, good ripe dark fruit balanced, rounded tannins. A wine we primarily recommend to flavorful dishes of venison, deer fillet, reindeer file, grouse fillets. Well worth the price.
Deep dark ruby red, violet rim. Elegant soft fruit aroma of ripe berries, blackberries / blueberries. Cedar / tobacco, topped with gentle spice tone. Rich rich projections, well-balanced fruit / acid touch that confirms and f

One of the considerations of this agreement will be the presence of Vitoria in Fitur,

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The International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR, will be the first showcase for Vitoria as Spanish Gastronomy Capital 2014 title will use to promote the catering activity in the city and its foreign tourist projection.
In fact, "the coming-out" of Vitoria as Capital of Gastronomy lululemon 2014 will take place on January 23 at Fitur in Madrid, where the baton to assign Burgos Vitoria.
The Mayor of Vitoria, Javier Maroto has signed this morning with the presidents of the Spanish federations granting the award, the Hospitality, Jose Maria Rubio, and the Journalists and Writers of Tourism, lululemon Mariano Palacín, the agreement provides the consideration Vitoria to be Capital of Gastronomy 2014, and its accountability to the correct brand promotion.
One of the considerations of this agreement will be the presence of Vitoria in Fitur, "for the first time with its own window" in Spanish Gastronomic Capital exhibitor.
After signing the agreement, Maroto has highlighted the importance of this title and has said that in less than a month since its proclamation, Vitoria has gained media coverage worth more than 200,000 euros.
So, he gave as an example the appearance of Vitoria in the prestigious international National Geographic as "one of the top 14 destinations to visit" along with Rome, Paris and Rio de Janeiro.
This distinction, which this year celebrates its third edition, has been reported to Burgos, the city has taken the title in 2013, more than 7 million, and an increase in occupancy hospitality 7 percent, and beat the figure record million visitors annually.
Vitoria try to get the same or better results than its predecessor lululemon and will use the award to help the hotel industry and increase the attraction of the city, which will generate economic activity.
Latest News Photos Videos 12:17 De la Renta and Jenny Packham dazzle in NY 12:06 I want to be Dismantled Beatrice Borromeo in Málaga 11:02 local that organized tournaments lululemon ... more news Photos: Decoration in the kitchen. lululemon The dishes everyday things that could have killed more photos Seat Leon Cupra, the king of the jungle shows the claws Rosa Benito not return to the tele More videos

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lasme was unstoppable in attack making eight out of nine two-pointers for a total of 20 points in 19

   Tuesday February 11, 2014 Search Weather   |   Athens 19 o C 12 o C News Business Comment Life Sports Community Survival Guide Greek Edition
Stephane Lasme and Dimitris Diamantidis led Panathinaikos to a glorious victory at Laboral Kutxa on Friday as Panathinaikos won 72-64 to score its second win in as many games for the second group stage of the Euroleague.
Laboral Kutxa grabbed the lead in the third period to advance by six points (49-43), and by four points at the end of the third period thanks gundam style to a crazy shot from the middle of the court by David Jelinek (52-48).
Lasme was unstoppable in attack making eight out of nine two-pointers for a total of 20 points in 19 minutes, while Diamantidis gundam style scored 12 points and distributed nine assists. There is no doubt that when Diamantidis gundam style is in good form Panathinaikos is extremely hard to beat.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Video of Highlights: Laboral Vitoria-Olympiacos Piraeus Kutxa Matt Lojeski. At half left the party

Olympiacos sweeps Vitoria. Planinic cart hits of the year to win the Efes
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Readings The 2764 champions were too Baskonia. Anadolu Efes wins at the buzzer to basket Zoran Planinic A year 0-13 in the last three minutes against Zalgiris sinks to Lokomotiv
Coming off their worst run of the season, with the wounded have fallen in Greek league against the archenemy pride Panathinaikos, Olympiacos found the ideal smacking his wounds to humiliate the Buesa Arena Baskonia in another exhibition opponent in the first part of Spanoulis, which broke the game on a seen and unseen in the first part with 8-30 part in which he generated almost all points. Baskonia had no heart or defense, while Olympiacos scoring the second historical maximum points to break in a Top 16 with 59 points, was balanced in every way. The only good news for Barca was the end of the game with homegrown Devon van Oostrum, Carlos uo Martinez and Ili Diop. Local strong shock came with a Nocioni was on all sides opening up an early 10-4 forcing the first Greek timeout. Little joy would last. The Greeks rose on defensive level, which combined with a technique that flopping Nocioni to pass to lead the party after a 2-9. Spanoulis shone with Lojeski and partial uo to the second unit was already vitoriana 4-20 to get an income of 11 points. Spanoulis created 18 points, 26. Spanoulis uo continued his display, leading his team to 18 while for Barca Mainoldi j Ugaba eaves. The part was 8-30 and the Greek had already generated 27 basis points of 36 which had a great ally in the SUV
Video of Highlights: Laboral Vitoria-Olympiacos Piraeus Kutxa Matt Lojeski. At half left the party red for judgment, having scored 59 points with 9 of 13 in triples and 21 lead, the second time a mere formality for 20 minutes until the sound of the final horn.
A final finishes with an unprecedented 0-13 Zalgiris Lokomotiv Kuban returned to win another game against a good heroic Zalgiris Kaunas sinking with 4 losses. Lithuanians played one of his best games lately, with a great start-ups led by Justin Dentmon immeasurable in the first half gave a 12-point lead, signing 15 points and 9 assists at the break. The U.S. base with their 11 assists broke the record in the current Euroleague to today boasted Ed Cota. Lithuanians drew advantages 2x2 American also cost them the Russians hold the 1x1 horrors of Lithuanians. Lokomotiv But this is a team that is very dangerous uo in recent quarters. A former Zalgiris, Mantas Kalnietis and Kruno Simon - 21 points, uo 6 rebounds and 8 assists Russian-led comeback that won the game with a 0-13 in the last three minutes and Bykov Likhodey on fire. The end of the match Zalgiris was catastrophic, almost without trying to kick a field goal in the last three minutes, still led the by 8 points.
Video of Highlights: Lokomotiv Kuban Krasnodar-Zalgiris Kaunas Planinic win of the year with the basket ZORAN Planinić in capitals. That's the name of an extremely bad game, it was decided with the basket of the year. 2 upstairs for Armani EA7 with 3.6 seconds left. Keith Langford, the best of Italian wandered uo Planinic capturing the freekick rebound and throwing an acrobatic shot from beyond the three score against board contrary to the buzzer and win by one point. The match will resume that easy. The shot of the year that gives the first victory of the Anadolu Efes Top 16, while Olimpia Milan gets two losses and two wins. The Milan team led the game for most of the match. A 17-2 with a great Dusko Savanovic caused the Turks came into game early in the fourth quarter. But Milan take the lead again to have the game almost uo ended in the last 10 seconds. That's when and

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Amparo Torres Ana Seco Duran Angel Serrano Antoni Miró Artur Heras Carlos Saura Carmen García Gordi

Home Blog Classroom Art Ethiopia Art and Photography lookbook Drawing and Painting Literature Music Theatre Project Photo Exhibition "Ethiopia Sin Fin" "Walmara, a place of Ethiopia" Roaming "Projects Walmara" Abay Calendar Art For Sale Parts art donated to the sale Parts for sale selling art donated photographs exhibition Abay Abay Web Art Auction solidarity Contact
Throughout the month of December lookbook 2013 has been able to visit in Vitoria photographic exhibition "Walmara, a place of Ethiopia," we moved to this part of the country where the major projects are located ABAY today. lookbook
Here are some of them: "I'm excited to see again the pictures of my beloved Ethiopia, those familiar faces that reality so hard, and Abay working to keep improving lookbook the lives of these people than anyone deserves to have a decent life "
Vitoria thank for offering us two of their showrooms cited civic centers throughout the month and all the people who have come and interested in the exhibition.
And for us a real pleasure lookbook and pride have exposure "in house" and have the opportunity to make it known. This entry was posted in Photography, pictures for sale, Uncategorized by Jesus Santos lookbook Escribano. Bookmark the permalink.
Amparo Torres Ana Seco Duran Angel Serrano Antoni Miró Artur Heras Carlos Saura Carmen García Gordillo Carmen Grau Carolina Teacher Cristina Duran and Miguel Angel Giner Eva Hernandez Isabel Hernández Suárez Javier Chapa Javier Mariscal Karina Vagradova Lorena Oliver Lupe Ferrer Mariano Master M ª Amparo Comes Juan Marisa Herrón lookbook Moses Natalia Alonso Gil Molins Pepa Pepa Gil Ramon Prado Garijo Rafael Amoros Mesalles Rue Slip Estarlich Raul Rosa Sara Beatay Server Toni Mari Tere Cunyat Victoria Del Toro Xavi Carbonell lookbook
Ais photographers Antonio S. Carlos J. Chamorro Anunci Marazuela lookbook Cristina Martinez Fernando Medrano Sensérich Ingrid Rubio Francisco Carrión Solé Jesus Mota Jose Ignacio Escribano J.Jaime Lorena Astudillo O. Teresa S. Ravina

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A young woman accepts a year in jail for calling

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The incident occurred at four twenty-five in the afternoon project runway at the A-1, in the Lopidana in Vitoria. Following the accident, remained at half past six p.m. cut the lane and worked there for pickup. Meanwhile, the driver has been evacuated to hospital Santiago.
Moreover, also in Álava, in the high Subijana, a vehicle has been crossed on the road after leaving the road up to the town of Ribera Alta about twenty past five in the afternoon. His driver has been slightly wounded and was taken to hospital Txagorritxu.
Moreover, in Irun (Gipuzkoa) about quarter past five in the afternoon they have collided several cars in the N-121-A and injured several people. In addition to these claims, the BI-637 Artea up to the shopping center, it has also become a vehicle crossed over the road.
According to existing records, only between 1862 and 1872 came to 29,000 Mariel Chinese.
The series premiered on December 17, 1987.
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Friday, February 7, 2014

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Architect: LH14 Arquitectos arizona Location: Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, Spain Architect in Charge: Javier Arroyo, Jose Maria Sainz, Javier Perosanz, Beatriz Arroyo, Angel Luis Arroyo Technical Architects: Luis Antonio del Rio Facilities Engineering: Engineering arizona Structures Ofinco: Ferroestudio Contractor: Edhinor Area: 15335.0 m2 Year: 2013 Photographer: KS Photography
Description of architects. The project consists of an office building for a public agency. The commission is drawing up a blueprint for two buildings that constitute arizona a homogeneous group with a common image and the project execution and construction of one of them leaving the other for a later stage.
The main intention of the project has been to get a landscape office building highly flexible and enjoy the best lighting conditions arizona and quality of the interior space. For this, the building is divided longitudinally into two bays via a patio elongated cores communication enabling each having natural light on both sides. The interior, fully transparent, space is achieved by beams of 11 m in length.
Given the significant slope of the plot and its great length has been chosen to visually unify the two buildings with a large upper concrete frame. Thus we get two buildings still taking your entries arizona to other dimension keep an image of unity because all the floors above the ground floor are at the same level. After such a top frame of concrete arizona technical plant and machinery and packaging all outward are hidden and covered by the solar roof is housed.
In order to get a proper arizona image representation to use this building has a large outdoor landscaped atrium entrance that welcomes visitors. This is possible thanks to the reinforced concrete beam waged a span of 25 meters above said atrium and hanging the top two floors.
The proposed program needs into four floors arizona above ground, having two underground basements. arizona Above ground plant more public access row three storey office and a landscape with a large terrace arizona penthouse arises.
Photography KS KS KS Photography Photography KS Photography Photography KS KS KS Photography Photography arizona Photography KS KS KS Photography Photography KS KS Photography Photography Section Facade Plan Plan Plan Sections
* Approximate location may indicate city / country and not necessarily arizona the exact address Quote: "Office Building in Vitoria / LH14 Architects" 29 Dec 2013. Platform Architecture. Accessed February 7, 2014. <>
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Featured Works Featured Works> Most Visited arizona February 4, 2014 Contest Results Antenna Tower 31 Jan 2014 GMP Santiago wins the bid to rebuild arizona the stadium Santiago Bernabeu Real Madrid February 3, 2014 "Spaceship Earth": The self-sustaining house Michael Reynolds in Argentina 1 February 2014 House is Carnatge / Miel Architects November 13, 2012 Sky Catcher House / acaa
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Thursday, February 6, 2014

The design draws on existing ecosystems in the vicinity of Vitoria. At the base of the garden, on a

Plant facade has 1,492 square meters, 1,000 m2 are hydroponic vertical garden system f + p and 492 m2 of climbing plants silver covering the windows. For planting have been used more than 33,000 native plants of different varieties of the Alava and the Basque Country.
The design draws on existing ecosystems in the vicinity of Vitoria. At the base of the garden, on a steel base, the explanation of ecosystems that reproduces the garden and plant species that compose detailed. 97% of the species used are native of Alava. It is the first vertical garden that reproduces native ecosystems silver of the area where it is located. silver
Benefits of plant facades. silver 1 m2 of facade plant generates oxygen required by a person throughout the year and claims 130 grams of powder per year. A building of 4 floors (60 m2) with a front filter plant annually 40 tons of harmful gases in addition to catch and process 15 kg of heavy metals. Reduce noise pollution. Save space: The walls of plants hanging vertically, taking a pre-existing space, it is not necessary silver to remove weeds. silver Save Money: Reduce to 5 C interior silver temperature of a building in the summer and kept in winter. Reduce the heat island effect of large cities. Reduce flooding and retaining much of the rainwater in storms. Enable unused urban spaces. Revalued buildings. Camouflage and improvement of walls or walls damaged, broken or unsightly endings. Green Wall and antigraffitis vandal.
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Congratulations! Zorionak!! Vitoria-Gasteiz has been nominated Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2014 u

Gastronomic Capital Vitoria 2014 | Xabide Group
Congratulations! Zorionak!! Vitoria-Gasteiz has been nominated Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2014 unanimously. It is an achievement for Vitoria, but mainly for a prize / Gasteiz as. Vitoria-Gasteiz has a year to display its many culinary and tourist treasures to attract and draw the attention of visitors, media and industry professionals to boost their city, to feel, once again, proud to be Vitoria and of Vitoria. halloween costumes
The proclamation supposed to Vitoria a great opportunity halloween costumes to showcase all we have, to provide visitors to our countrymen and our finest products to energize the hospitality industry, tourism, business halloween costumes ... From Vitoria look and products generates all the Alava province.
Our city needs this kind of initiatives. Back (not forgotten) was the Green Capital 2012. Now let's enjoy the Gastronomic Capital 2014. Jurisdiction over to nearby halloween costumes cities is tremendous and every opportunity to get your head is an exciting challenge.
From planning activities, through the essential support obtained by a number of Basque restorers accomplished and non-Basque-see example halloween costumes of television Whip - the popular support halloween costumes of Vitoria and of Vitoria, the hospitality commitment to reach an agreement for funding. Good job. Great job.
From now playing coming-out, show that we have much to offer, that our hospitality is a luxury that our hotels can accommodate visitors outside temporalities, that we have a city to teach and enjoy, halloween costumes we are hospitable, halloween costumes we have the best time in the world unpleasant, that we Vitoria, Vitoria and ... And that's just what may we say over 242,126 other people in the world.
This entry was posted in Events, Marketing and tagged Alberto Chicote, Vitoria Gasteiz, capital of Spanish gastronomy, David de Jorge, halloween costumes Diego Guerrero, gastronomy, green equity, hospitality, Gourmet Desserts, Martin Berasategui, Pedro Subijana. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.
Alberto Chicote, Vitoria halloween costumes Gasteiz, capital of Spanish gastronomy, David de Jorge, Diego Guerrero, gastronomy, green equity, hospitality, Gourmet Desserts, Martin Berasategui, Pedro Subijana | Leave a comment
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Atelier Works in service management and social and cultural organizations, as well as the creation of museum products and management of cultural institutions. Fideliza Dedicated to global communication, and comprehensive event management. Xabide SL Specializing in management consulting organizations and cultural facilities, with extensive professional experience in strategic planning, feasibility studies, master plans ...
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The use of native plants in the design has been one of the main challenges of the project, many of

Urbanarbolismo vegetal mischa barton facade Palacio de Congresos de Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Sustainable Design of pools in Urbanarbolismo.
Latest Articles Latest pitches during vertical gardens of Barcelona. 11 and February 12. Vertical garden low maintenance in Ruby. Barcelona. Course Vertical gardens, Barcelona 11 and February 12, 2014. Vegetal facade Palacio de Congresos de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Opening the course registration period vertical gardens in Barcelona. 11 and February 12. Video-TV Ruby on the vertical garden Coperatiu Celler. Latest sleeps 10 courses for vertical gardens December in Mexico. Vertical Garden in Mallorca educational Timelapse of the construction process of the vertical garden Vitoria TVE Report on the construction of vertical garden of Ruby.
Categories Water and Architecture (49) Featured Articles (40) houses in the tree (8) Climate and Architecture (28) Ground mischa barton Cover (1) Exterior Plant (35) urbanarbolista Philosophy (7) Materials (40) News (118) Urbanarbolismo Project (24) Projects (35) Reference Library (34) Resources (17) in Castilian Urbanarbolismo (8) Vegetation and Architecture (103)
Urbanarbolismo art water plants planting weather training vertical gardens vertical garden Alicante Vitoria plant maintenance indoor garden vegetation courses course materials facade lighting plant vertical garden city nature park wood house structure indoor gardening ecosystem
Blogroll Alicante forest ecology Blog Blog Juan Freire gardening and landscaping CEAM (Centre ambiantales Mediterranean studies) Edgar Gonzalez Flowers in the Attic Inhabitat The cartoteca Landscape + urbanism Pruned Shakkei Treehugger
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain by Jordi Ruiz Serramia C / Gabriel Miró n º 18 3 º B 03001 Alicante, Mobile: 665 493 172, tel. 966 282 640
The city of Vitoria-Gasteiz is recognized internationally for integrating biodiversity and green spaces in the urban fabric. Within the project the green inner ring and Unusualgreen Urbanarbolismo studies with Zikotz Urbaser and we have made this plant facade to help bring the ecosystem Alava city center.
Plant facade has a total area of 1492m2, of which 1000m2 are hydroponic vertical garden system f + p and 492m2 of climbing plants are covering the windows. For planting have been used more than 33,000 native plants of different varieties of the Alava and the Basque Country.
The main reason was that the project mischa barton came to improve energy consumption of the Palacio de Congresos, the proposed vertical garden system 'f + p preplant "adds a thermal resistance of 2.644 m2 K / W. This represents a 270% increase on the existing facade insulation, resulting in energy savings.
The design draws on the ecosystems that exist in the environment Vitoria and played along the route of the facade. From left to right Wetland vegetation Salburua, agricultural field plots Alava, ecosystems loamy hills and beech forests of the mountains of Vitoria appears.
At the base of the garden we have placed a socket backlit corten steel which contains an explanation of the ecosystems that reproduces the vertical garden mischa barton and plant species that comprise it. 97% of the species used in the garden are native to many endemic Alava. This is the first vertical garden that reproduces native ecosystems of the area where it is located.
The use of native plants in the design has been one of the main challenges of the project, many of the plants environment Vitoria are adapted to periods of drought climate plateau and are struggling to survive in moist environments such as conventional systems Vertical mischa barton gardening. For this project we redesigned the system by optimizing p f + saturation substrate so that these plants can thrive perfectly.
The hydroponic system used to maintain this garden gives the optimal substrate nutrient conditions, pH, conductivity and humidity for this type of vegetation, the whole system is monitored by remote control in order to save water, energy and control the development of plants.
Starting the tour of the plant facade from left to right we first vertical wetland, plant facade reproduces the formal pattern Salburua wetlands (an area of wetland in the vicinity of the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz). The species used are typical of wetlands in the area: Scirpoides holoschoenus, Cyperus longu

Whistling Sole

Video travel guide Vitoria-Gasteiz |
Vitoria-Gasteiz is a city that has experienced a major urban change in recent vintage years. It has gone from being one of the provincial capitals forgotten to put in the center of tourist attention of the Basque Country. Its proximity to the Rioja region has also helped place it on the map.
The city is relatively affordable in terms of size, and offers interesting tourist attractions. The that I like most is the "kernel" of the medieval Old Town Vitoria-Gasteiz, and the visit to the Cathedral of Santa Maria, in permanent and publicly remodeling.
Nor should vintage we forget the Eixample vintage area, where the main shops in the city and the Museum of Contemporary Art Artium or Salburua vintage Park, which can be easily explored on bike.
I leave the video-guide that we perform on the occasion of our last visit to the city, fourth installment of Video Travel Guide, where you can find advice on what to do, what to see and where to eat in Vitoria Gasteiz.
Basque journalist and blogger born in Venezuela (Caracas, 1978). After over 17 years working in print, radio, television and the Internet, currently heads the agency vintage Barking Blogs and Blog on Brands platform. Creator compulsive video and unconditional lover of the sea. You will find him on Twitter and Google Plus and other social networks. View all posts by Haritz Rodriguez Blog Twitter Facebook Google+
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Rate in Vitoria-Gasteiz is a city that has experienced a major urban change in recent years. It has gone from being one of the provincial capitals vintage forgotten to put in the center of tourist vintage attention of Country ...
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