A.Solomino photo.
Emotional Helpline volunteer watch32 time prailginusi Service Help line for women "to draw public attention to violence against women in the same nearest relations in the family, because it difficult to resist, especially if the prevailing psychological violence, and women are afraid to seek help.
According to the "Help line for women employees, while already running anti-domestic violence law, and more and more women dare go to the police and the adoption of specialized shelters watch32 for help, but as practice shows, women are afraid to ask, if there is no physical violence and psychological dominate violence. watch32
"In a society still prevalent myth that battered women can always get out, away from the offender., However, many women keep their partners threaten to find and kill them if they leave the house. They threaten to kill children or killing themselves. Women believe these threats, and This is understandable, because according to statistics, the most dangerous time is when a woman leaves the house or going to do it. Currently, most homicides occur at home. Fears - This is the strongest factor that prevents a woman determined to solve family problems, "- says the psychologist, Line for Women "project manager watch32 Krikščionaitienė Morning.
According to her, there are other reasons why women do not leave abusive partners - often they share intimate watch32 feelings of affection, common children of household assets. "The most violent partners often touch at himself, not know how their aggressive impulses. Violence Some part-time, and after each event apologized and promised to change. Faced with such relationships, women tend to remember the good time and forget or downplay the bad. When violence and alcohol, drugs or health problems, women often believe that the violence stop, where they are able to solve these problems, "- says the psychologist.
As it is observed, more and more women are able to terminate the relationship with a violent partner, but it is associated with considerable costs, and loss - economic security, home and property, familiar environment. watch32 "It's not an easy decision. Therefore not surprising watch32 that the majority of women a few times and go back to the abuser in the hope or fear. Still difficult to make changes when a woman is economically dependent, does not work when you can expect only the minimum wage and social watch32 benefits. Lithuania Single women with children is almost impossible to find housing. "Help line for women constantly receive such calls," - said A. Krikščionaitienė.
It is recalled that the "Help line for women provides emotional support to women whose lives are confronted with various difficulties and painful experiences. The main lines for Women's goal - to provide emotional support at a time when women need it most, helping to overcome the psychological crisis, awareness of other support options. At the end, the "Help line for women" prolonged time on weekends and holidays. Currently, emotional support is provided free of charge by phone 8 800 66366 daily from 10.00 to 21.00.
First love - pure and beautiful friendship of two young people - the majority of the folder at school. Thus becoming the first academic watch32 institution in the house of love. Hormonal storms besetting teen Compliance hands no longer: passionate kisses and caresses school corridors - the everyday.
September 2014. 17 d. 18:03
DELFI each short TV news see: the army commander said that the current situation reminds Eve of the Second watch32 World War, the Ukrainian parliamentarians spoke of surrender, D. Maskoliūnas naturalization of foreigners and D. Motiejūnas untapped opportunities in Vilnius began in the world arm wrestling championship.
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