Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This meeting and other activities cotton on planned in the project are held with the aim of trainin

ASTRA | The third expert meeting lawyers' health and psychological cotton on consequences of trafficking "
Helpline and assistance to victims of Principles Types of assistance for victims of human trafficking prevention role ASTRA SOS Statistics prevention work with youth workshops Tours preventive cotton on and educational materials Training Manuals Astra issue reports and studies ASTRA email newsletter Facts What is human trafficking? Trafficking in Serbia legal framework Domestic regulations International Documents Strategic documents Other relevant regulations cotton on Senence (temp) Report of the trial Cooperation ASTRA network Local cooperation International cooperation
The third expert cotton on meeting lawyer on "health and psychological consequences of human trafficking" was held on 18 May 2012th the Hotel Zira in Belgrade, under the three-year project "Protection of human rights of victims of trafficking cotton on and / through the provision of legal aid," which carried ASTRA and Dutch Helsinki Committee (HHK) with support for star ng Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (MATRA).
The various aspects of the health consequences of trafficking experiences are divided local and foreign experts from different learning areas - Henk Werson, police inspector cotton on and specialist center for trafficking cotton on and smuggling of Dutch police, the Dutch an expert Marjan Wijers, cotton on Dr Cathy Zimmerman of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Slobodan Savic professors from the Institute of Forensic cotton on Medicine and Aleksandar Jovanovic, head of the Department of Forensic Psychiatry, Clinical Center, Dr. Vera Litričin, Biljana Slavković from the Institute of psychodrama, cotton on as well as judges of the Supreme Court of Cassation Biljana Sinanovic. cotton on
The meeting discussed a number of topics related to health cotton on and psychological consequences of trafficking, including strategies that traffickers cotton on use to recruited the victim and to ensure her obedience during cotton on ekslpoatacije, strategies and mechanisms that help victims to more easily withstand life in the trafficking chain; the role of expert evidence, forensic medicine and forensic cotton on psychiatry in proceedings for an offense of trafficking and how to use them to improve the position of victims. Presented the results of two studies on the consequences of human trafficking by physical cotton on reporduktivno and mental health cotton on - research that Cathy Zimmerman conducted on a sample of 450 female victims of human trafficking in several European countries, as well as analysis of the most common health consequences of human trafficking based on ASTRA ten years of experience.
This meeting and other activities cotton on planned in the project are held with the aim of training more qualified lawyers on human trafficking for the timely and accurate information of trafficked persons about their rights grarantovanim international conventions and domestic laws, and their adequate representation in criminal and civil proceedings.
NGO ASTRA - Action against Trafficking in Human Beings is dedicated cotton on to the eradication of all forms of human trafficking. With the aim of preventing and combating this problem ASTRA also active in the field of providing direct assistance to victims in the process of recovery and reintegration, prevention, education, raising public awareness, research and reporting. In addition, ASTRA water first and only helpline in Serbia specialized in the problem cotton on of human trafficking, in which for ten years of work sent over 15,000 calls, and nearly 400 people were identified as victims of trafficking.
ASTRA ASTRA is a local non-governmental organization dedicated cotton on to the fight against human trafficking was established in 2000. year and the first who stressed the problem of human trafficking in Serbia. As a leader in the field of combating trafficking in our country since its founding ASTRA is dealing with this problem comprehensively, ie treats different forms of trafficking (exploitation) and different categories of victims - women, children and men. At the same time acting in the field of providing direct assistance and reintegration, prevention, education, public awareness, research and reporting, advocacy on strategic and operational levels, and support the construction of a functional and effective system to combat human trafficking, with full respect for human rights victims. ASTRA leads first helpline in Serbia specialized in human trafficking, ie for preventive support and assistance and support to survivors of human trafficking, as well as the single European cotton on number for missing children in the area of Serbia.

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