Monday, October 14, 2013

Many are now in the U.S. wonder how the white man, cold-blooded killer, George Zimmerman, a free ma

This is a free zone, a place where you can convince that things are not as active in the first pogled.Ova site is non-profit, social skate and humanitarian space, where everyone can access it. On this page you can manage all of its supporters, and it attracts the free and independent people for now still free internet territory.
Black woman Marissa Alexander in self-defense fired a warning shot into the wall and received 20 years in prison, Zimmerman white man killed unarmed teenagers who had previously followed in the street - free
In countries where the government law, court judgments are not commenting. However, in the midst of the acquittal of American George Zimmerman, who last year killed a teenage black person, Trayvon Martin, many Americans were on their feet and behold, now is prominently isu a similar case that ended with a completely different judgment. Why is the rule of law is bowed in the Promised Land bezmalo cradle of modern democracy?
Zimmerman was a member of the neighborhood watch (so-called "neighborhood watch") - it is literally a paramilitary group whose aim is to monitor the neighborhood and allegedly fighting crime. Trayvon Martin teenagers in the end, he did, "suspicious", and it is therefore Zimmerman stopped - despite an explicit warning to the police, which Zimmerman called to warn them to Martin, that he is not coming. Nice conflict, and Zimmerman - who has previously had problems with the police for the violence - by shooting and killing Martin later said that it was self-defense, ie that felt threatened. According to the American controversial "stand your ground" law, a person can kill another person if they feel threatened.
George Zimmerman was acquitted after a jury concluded that he killed Trayvon Martin in "self-defense", despite the fact that Martin was not armed. Many throughout the United States prevailed in the verdict racist saying that she would certainly have been different if a black man killed Belec.
But this is not the end. Suddenly again topical another case - the case of Marissa Alexander. Marissa, a black woman of 31 years, had never been arrested until one day 2010th when he fired a warning shot into a nearby wall after she felt threatened by her husband. Nobody in the incident was injured, but last month the court in Florida sentenced her for firing shots at up to 20 years in prison.
Marissa is the mother of a baby and two twins of 11 years. skate Just like George Zimmerman, said she was fired in self-defense - saying that she felt that her life was threatened by her violent skate husband - and called for a "stand your ground" law - except that she did not kill nor had the intention of anyone kill. The jury sentenced her to "assault firearm".
Many are now in the U.S. wonder how the white man, cold-blooded killer, George Zimmerman, a free man, while black Marissa Alexander, a mother of three minor children, a good part of the rest of life to spend behind bars. Many of them will say that this is another indication that racism in the United States still exists. Whether it comes to racist or selective justice in which those who have money can buy freedom and justice, and those who do not remain victims of a system that grinds. On institucijalnom level is all beskrekorno and fair, but obviously in practical skate life is not so. "Double arsine" exists in the very pores of the system so that more attention is paid to the so-called nent members of the community (those with deeper pockets and better political connections). Thus, when necessary, for them to make better indictment or better defense, and they in turn give more attention during treatment. skate
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About Lilly daddy :))) born between the hippie and punk movements, grew up in socialism protected from time and space. She and other insurgent and isterivač "devil" without any cause. Still not tired of her life's journey walking a tightrope, as it has remained mostly interested in the eternal resist attempts to shape society
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