Friday, December 12, 2014

On Tuesday afternoon online shopping (02/12/2014) met for the last time this year, the district cou

On Tuesday afternoon online shopping (02/12/2014) met for the last time this year, the district council in Dortmund-Scharnhorst. In addition to the surprising announcement that it intended online shopping to establish an asylum home in Derne district, were mainly from the municipal treasurer Jörg Stüdemann (SPD) announced budget cuts and the already discussed at the last meeting renaming the Hermann-Stehr-street in the center.
After determining the agenda followed a longer presentation of the provisional head of the Social Welfare online shopping Office, Jörg Süshardt, about the current situation of asylum in the city of Dortmund and the planned opening of an asylum home in Derne (the echo Dortmund already reported in detail). It was then voted on other smaller items on the agenda before it came to the final decision on renaming the Hermann-Stehr-road. (Would have made a long-standing member of the SPD Scharnhorst, which reportedly earned for Sadtbezirk) The SPD Group reiterated its demand, the road "Paul Ronska Street" rename. However, the representatives of the Left Party withdrew its proposal of "Anne-Frank-Straße" back because all the street "is too small" and he prefers online shopping something "more dignified, want to designate as a great place for Anne Frank." Might want his colleagues from the district council Downtown West yes, renamed the Peace Square stimulate ...
In two subsequent rounds of voting was first voted on whether the road is renamed and then decided on the appointment by Paul Ronska. As expected, the SPD prevailed with the support of the Greens and the representative of the Left Party. Only the representative of the party RIGHTS agreed with two votes consistently online shopping in the negative. This vote clearly shows why more and more mountain passes with Dortmund: while we have to save every where money is thrown for such nonsense as renaming of streets from the window and to make matters worse, the road then that even after a member just named party has to answer for the debt, cuts in social spending and budget deficits.
The absurdity of the established policy was reflected in the subsequent days points to the planned budget cuts. First, a detailed debate on the budget at the next meeting of the district council on 03.02.2015 was postponed, since the City Council will make a final decision until 19/02/2015 on the budget. For some selected cuts, such as the abolition of the district marketing or deletion of sites within the town clerk's office, should be imposed by the district council recommendations. online shopping While the Greens contained in all the recommendations, so as not to run the risk of vote differently than the Green Group in the Council, said a representative of the SPD, they are "could these recommendations do not agree with their conscience", yet give their party members who are responsible for these deletions. And she was previously full of enthusiasm for the planned asylum home - just for those institutions that are exploited by bogus asylum seekers and economic migrants from all corners of the world and millions of tax dollars devour. Although the recommendations of the district councils are at best symbolic and no binding effect on the city council have (this will approve the cuts anyway) also agreed online shopping with the representative of the party RIGHTS consistently against all recommendations. When the city of Dortmund in the year can 200,000 the "fight against right" squander, prestige projects and builds spends millions to poverty immigration, it is a real insult to the citizens, to emphasize important social institutions.
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