Quite entertainment, but little Productive offered the fifth meeting queen latifah of the district council queen latifah Huckarde in the current legislative session, which of course again RIGHTS was represented. The focus of several recommendations were in relation to the budget 2015 is characterized by a comprehensive savings almost 200 points list, with the Social queen latifah Democrats want to cut the citizen in his (financial and social) freedoms.
First lectured a representative of the quite worthy of support queen latifah project "together", which has set itself the goal to better integrate the elderly in Jungferntal and support their daily lives. queen latifah Here Volunteers are especially needed that have declared themselves willing to make, for example, performance or purchasing services for the elderly. Quite informative also was the introduction of a new subject librarian for children and youth for the District Huckarde.
Specifically, the district council Huckarde should make recommendations to a planned abolition of service and military service, the reduction of urban order partnerships settings Leistunsangeboten in the county administration, saving a central agency, and the abolition of the municipality marketing. In a policy statement RIGHTS made it clear that she is opposed to any form of austerity, their need by exploding queen latifah expenditure for immigrants from Eastern Europe and asylum seekers from all over the world who are courted queen latifah by our tax dollars, while they want to save the citizen at the same time , Of course, this view was not shared by the parties moreover - as the only true RIGHTS against all put forward proposals savings, the SPD-treasurer Jörg Stüdemann float in front of eyes. The other parties, particularly the SPD and CDU, although criticized one or the other projects, but this is to be regarded at best as hypocritical, queen latifah rather than brazen and hypocritical, because their council queen latifah parties will be the ones who approve the resolutions at the city level and to take responsibility ultimately have.
Several speakers contributed RIGHTS named those responsible queen latifah for the planned savings and criticized their policy focus. Using simple examples was also illustrates how savings without a significant loss for any part of the city population queen latifah could be compensated - in this case about the cancellation of funding in the "war right" or a rejection of grants with which the District Council a dubious student project aims to promote "homophobia". A driving force behind this financial support is significant that the CDU, which has long since removed from their conservative roots - instead of German families to promote funding queen latifah for homosexuals and their lobby shall be provided. How much of this fight against the natural family man, woman and child (ren) is performed queen latifah also shows the voting behavior: With the voices of SPD, CDU, Greens, Left Party and Professional Studies donation of 2,000 euros for that dubious project, queen latifah it was decided only the local representative of THE RIGHTS, Michael Bruck, voted against this tax waste of money and criticized the established parties who are behind this application, sharp.
In addition to the budget deliberations various necessary repair work on schools and cultural institutions of the Municipality were decided queen latifah by the district council, said RIGHTS much for your support pronounce that are eligible for educational institutions. Answered were also some requests that THE RIGHTS has made in the past and showing that national policy certainly bear fruit in the smaller area: Sun is now in the district administrative office by image posted after the rapist of Huckarde queen latifah gefahndet - an initiative by a request has been initiated and is now being taken up by the administration fortunately. Somewhat surprising, however, was the assessment of "our" well-liked and respected law Deputy Mayor Diane Hunter (CDU), that for district council meetings of the viewing area can not be extended (who since the advent of THE RIGHTS pleasing well filled in the district council) as this against queen latifah fire regulations would be contrary - in fact, chairs, however, were changed queen latifah even in the current district council meetings and the seating optimized so that it is undoubtedly possible to create more seating offers (would otherwise queen latifah have to the management of violating fire safety regulations). To clarify queen latifah this issue, THE RIGHTS requests a fire protection plan for the Versammlunsgssaal and will continue to work to ensure a better integration of Huckarder citizens in local decision-making bodies.
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