The generators are machines that, from a turn, are capable of generating an electric current I. When a circuit metal (conductor) rotates within a magnetic field (ie, near a magnet ) inside electrons begin to move and generates an electric current. The same applies if the magnet is spinning and it is still is the driver.
Green, you have the direction and intensity of electric current generated due to the rotating journeys movement of the blade. In the section where the blade rotates in the direction that makes the picture, it generates a current in the direction of the arrow green. Note that in the first picture, when the blade rotates, moves to stretch from pole to the S pole N, which makes the green arrow from I to go into the computer screen. However, in the second picture, when the blade rotates, the section moves from pole to N pole to the S (backwards before), and that makes the green arrow and go to us (we point to us).
In both images, the green arrow represents the intensity generated in each section due to the movement of the blades and the rotating magnetic field of the magnet. The rotating blades, which are red, rub the inside of the metal rings, which are black, therefore the current density generated in the blades passing the black wire is connected to the rings. YouTube video on an AC generator. journeys
The generators, instead of having two rings, is in a single game is and is welded to the rotating blades. In the case before, the alternator, the two rings were soldered wires and turned black. Here in the DC generators, the only link there is split, and each of the semicircle is welded to each of the two ends of the blades, so that when the blades rotate each semicircle rubs cables are in blue, and transmit the current journeys intensity I, which is the green arrow.
Note that the blue wires sense the intensity of current (the direction of the green arrows) does not change a drawing another as happened before with the AC generator. Try to think why. As the court will tell you that has to do with the question of the semicircle (before, in ac generators have seen that instead of semmicercle had two rings) YouTube video on a DC generator.
Try to explain how the fact that the DC generators journeys have a sort of ring-shaped semicircle starting causes the resulting current is continuous. You can use diagrams, letters, arrows ... to make your explanation.
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