Thursday, January 29, 2015

At that time: Jesus called the Twelve beside, and began to send them two by two, while giving them

At that time: Jesus called the Twelve beside, and began to send them two by two, while giving them power over the foul spirits. ice And not to take anything with them wissiehom road than appointed; neither bread, neither ħorġa, less cash ħżiemhom; ice but: "Put on sandals," he said, "and xxiddux two suits." He told them: "Where entrance in a home, which until titilqu Stay out of there. And if any place with jilqgħukomx and jisimgħukomx, itilqu there and shed dust from under your feet as a testimony against them. "Emerged then broadcast to people repent; and dismissing many devils, and very sick dilku oil and fejquhom.
I only serious problem, I have been ten years now and I have not tghallimtx monk very important thing. Now please tidhkux load. When going abroad I have to take with me tghallimtx small briefcase. When will I insiefer total disaster. While I am prepare the papal crisis briefcase! In the time that I take with me is I think what will all seem important, I will fill the soul luggage to her mother, so to have naqbez or offered it to naghlaqha. Then finish ngorr with me clothes and shoes that never Worn, books never read, never xeghlt computer. I've only passeggata with me around the world and increased weight. This is not to mention the panic that jaqbadni as I get to the airport and a chance to tell me that I'm overweight and I have to pay the money. ice Italy if niszbaljax 12 euros per kilo. And precisely today in niltaqaw Gospel did Jesus while sending his disciples to the mission and tell them not to take anything with them except path appointed: neither bread, neither horga, ice nor money in hziemhom; but to wear sandals and not jxiddux two dresses. ice What difference from my luggage when going abroad! Jesus says to the apostles need to take them to the street with nothing? Jesus wishes to those who are called to proclaim the Gospel go be free from all that may pass without, free as he was free, from everything that hinders and thereby jeopardizing, her only rest in God's providence. Both jigrilna, even in the Church to be everything we take for granted rest ?! We do not often we experience God's providence because ice not remains to nothing. Indeed it is the poor who is able to understand that God provides, because nothing and anything to receive a gift, a gift. It was this reading of the Gospel to gennen to St. Francis, which leaves raised to everything, and urges his monks not to shall become nothing, and leave for neck the way without money, without even convents. Was saying "If we have the property, we buy weapons to protect them"! ice Mamma mia both had reasonable cause. Then someone can says that Jesus here seems here to jirragunax good. Why send them free of charge to the apostles, when he knew that it could gets something? Jesus knew well that the human heart, ice and then even among the apostle easy to bind with many things ice and forget its mission. Easy linked with comfort and forget that the mission requires even difficulties, ice actually telling "And if any post jilqaghkomx ice and jisimghukomx, itilqu there and shed dust from under your feet". Jesus here IWI sealed to nintrabtux not even with success, to search ice jcapcpulna, always tell "talented" ice and "How've sermon Pretty". Jesus also well aware that we are not free from success, deliver our mission as long as there is someone behind us and move jcapcpilna. And both times jigrilna to get to proclaim Jesus, and so earned any setback Taking leave everything. Seemingly forgotten by bghattna nxardru the Gospel. Afraid. Jigrilna to stop several times we live well, we are not witnesses at the workplace, because we are afraid to take the lead with time. How many times we said we could term wealth and are no longer ice because we would have had ghedniha ice pay any price. In that case we we are still too linked us reason to believe others. We we are still afraid to proclaim attna passed by BGH, with narawhx and think nsiena.
Moreover Jesus never jibghatna wehidna, indeed the Gospel today tells us "began send them two by two". Each mission of the Church ice is good as good if made by individuals alone, does not reflect ice all the beauty of the Gospel, and never leave the desired results. ice Any action brought by the Christian community must always ends. On working alone in the evangelizzazjoni mission doomed to fail. The Christian never called to make one to show. So Jesus believes in community says "whenever you go in it until titilqu ice Stay home from there". As seems to be saying "mi n Toqghodux tigru place to another without tibnu deep relationships". ice The Christian life made from beautiful and healthy relationships. Then what is the message that Jesus wants us to deliver? The Gospel itself tells us: "emerged then broadcast to people repent; and dismissing many devils, ice and dilku very sick with oil and fejquhom. The Christian has a clear message. It is a message that calls for repentance. The message

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