Arash: bright sun, the ancestor stradivarius of the Parthians - the Iranian archer hero Lshgrmnvchhr
ISAN: moon (Turkish + Farsi)
Eileen: stradivarius Moon halo [edit] A
Asryn: stradivarius Tears (clear), your name / Avram / Hvramany / daughter
A.: Pahlavan has a burgundy-colored garment (+ Kbvs tears or (Kbvs) / "Tears", which literally means "hero" and "Kbvs or Kbvs" means "sapphire" and collectively tears Kbvs or A. - also known as stasis cuffs the - means "hero of aquamarine-colored garment" is. A. Kushan hero in the Shahnameh name that came to help Afrasiab, but Rostam was killed.
Ayaz: The Great and Eternal - the lad left the Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi
B.: tall - son and grandson Rustam stradivarius Sohrab hands
Bhdys: colorful, pretty
Parmyn: stradivarius a piece of crystal, the wife of Darius, the Achaemenid
Parvin: (Pro + yen), the word "Pro" in "Butterfly Parvin" means "high" and "Pleiades" means "full of grace and beauty, pretty and elegant girl, beautiful girl or white on / P. E'tesami cause sustainability of the name and the names of those who are most educated and respected people in the community, such as doctors, teachers, professors, artists, scholars stradivarius and Nvysngan / word names Parvin Pleiades is a cluster stradivarius of stars in Arabic stradivarius Nqvd Sorayya to endure.
Parham, Parham was one of the oldest names in ancient stradivarius Persia (old stands) and the mean is a good angel. The ancient Persian, is also one of the prophets Avllzm before with Abraham and the Quran is presented to the Iranians.
Parnaz: Cute fairy-bearing
Tabandkht: stradivarius Bright stradivarius Girl
Tino: thirsty, you name [edit] C
Jhandkht: Girl Wiki
KH: Celebrity, nick name - the name of several kings of the Sassanid
Pleasing, tasty, desirable
Robin: consulting, alliances - you name it.
Smells: The smell
Rvmak, honest, orderly, stradivarius smooth and clean, sturdy, and the names, male names Mazandaranis
Gold: gold, brocade
Sarah: pure - ones - Princess - Hebrew name
Sepand: March
Spike: A spike of wheat
Sahand: old volcano in Azerbaijan
Shahpur: King's son, Prince - Several Sasanian kings
Shamshad: ornamental trees and stuff of many poets are almost always Sbzkh
Shahrnaz sister and her husband stradivarius Jamshid Zhak Mardvsh
Sweet girls, sweet girl
Above: tall and stately
Fardin: unique, magnificent church, stands the April Spring
Modest, unassertive, stradivarius unassuming
Frydkht: Blessed Daughter
Kara: active and working
Mineral Springs, your name, girl
Kiana: Envoy (Aramaic name)
Guillaume: stradivarius The high priest stradivarius during the reign of Cambyses, son of Cyrus the Great.
A. Flowers: Flowers phosphors
Perianth: Prazgl, florid
Golnar: stradivarius flowers, pomegranate, stradivarius pomegranate blossoms
Tulips: Red tulip flower with different colors, and most of it is desert
Manna: An ancient ethnic Azerbaijani Turkish name for girls
M: appointed, elected, selected, qualified, elected and elected inevitable
Meshkinfam daughter: she smeared musk and aromatic
M: the sun
M: Attributed to October, relative to the Sun.
BC student, apprentice - you name
Nazydkht: cute girl
Nakisa: singer Khosrow stradivarius Parviz Sassanid court
Sweet, fresh
Varlı: rich, rich - Turkish name for boys
Humayun: blessed, blessed - the name of several kings of India
Hoorvash: sun, such as sun
Yashar: Javyd- Turkish name for boys
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