Monday, April 28, 2014

It should be stressed Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn sun appointed by the actors who took part

I must confess, I am not an admirer of Thomas Vinterberg film and I think too often in his work felt like a finger iestūķēta emotional or otherwise gave an early stage in front of live up to "all that bad, that more has not" senses of, there is an automatic reaction which prevents the transition to fully enjoy the movie values. Therefore, unlike festivals in assessing and validating his latest movie The Hunt / Jagten / Hunting attention duo and expectations did not pay. More than once, there is a recognized movie I had absolutely indifferent and emotionally soft, but not for it now.
The Hunt director talking about today, unfortunately, in the usual topic of pedophilia, immediately the discussion of mental illness and the search for roots, very humanly good fellow guy manages to reflect the destruction duo of life events, where the cause of everything based aplamajā statement duo "children do not lie." Moreover, here, unlike in John Patrick Shanley's Doubt-like action movies, right from the start is not possible probability of whether duo he has or has not done.
The film on the tragic Mads Mikkelsen image background highlights the contemporary society duo of blind faith in an incomprehensible duo situation and said the worst version conclusive acceptance of reality to such an absurd level that quickly turns into allegations of fact and facts about it as trivial details. Mass incomprehensible, the evening news and other media and seen the horror, the desire to experience in your pilsētelē and follows a logical defense and fight scapegoat crucifixion, makes me think about that when more protected from the impact duo of TV boxes. A child whose psyche and interacting with others under development - a lie, only the most common interpretation of reality is distorted situations and under normal conditions of perceived rich fantasy or older, who does not understand the situation as agreed in the collective hysteria, neglecting long-term friendship and hunting partner trust framework, based to be more than words, and the principle is the only one in that situation should be taken into account, and that can prevent the film visible developments.
It should be stressed Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn sun appointed by the actors who took part in a number of (Pusher I and II, Valhalla Rising) in his work, Mads Mikkelsen perfect wing Actress and feel progressively pushing duo the not-so-physical humiliation an end to the recession and explodes, but Christmas evening worship service congregation "peace and harmony on earth" attitude, with the screaming hypocrisy, which is essentially different from the blind tracking the latest fashion trends and all the rest, where everything is based on "everyone does it" duo or "it is assumed".

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