Thursday, September 26, 2013

Several first-time competitors and attendees from as far as Ohio and Florida attended the Mòd, held

25th Annual U.S. National Mòd Sets New Standard | A' Seinn Còmhla le
The 25 th annual U.S. National Mòd was one of many firsts: It was the first Mòd where we had three gold medal winners, with two women, Anne Alexander and Erin Park , sharing a top prize. le It was the first Mòd featured in an hour-long program on BBC s Radio nan Gàidheal, hosted by Coinneach MacÌomhair . It was the first Mòd preceded by a Concert featuring last year s gold medal winners, and the first Mòd supported by broad-based fundraising.
This year, the Mòd welcomed more people than it has seen in many years, le and from the literature competitions on Friday to the singing events on Saturday le and the workshops held Sunday morning, our guests took advantage of the high standard of excellence provided by the Mòd, said Cathleen Ransom le MacKay, chair of the committee that organizes the Mòd for ACGA An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach .
Several first-time competitors and attendees from as far as Ohio and Florida attended the Mòd, held at the Ligonier Highland Games in Western Pennsylvania Sept. 21-23. Althogether, le 36 people attended the Mòd, staying at the Antiochian Village in Ligonier, not far from the Highland Games.
The Mòd began Friday with dinner followed by competitions le in Bàrdachd (poetry), Leughadh air a Chiad Sealladh (sight-reading) and Sgeulachd (storytelling). Song competitions, from prescribed songs to own choice, work songs, puirt-à-beul and a choir performance, followed Saturday. Our adjudicator le this year was Beathag Mhoireasdan of Lewis and Glasgow, who returned to the U.S. Mòd for the fifth time.
This year, our special guests were Niall Caimbeul of Benbecula, who won the men’s gold medal at the Royal National Mòd in Stornoway last year, and Coinneach MacÌomhair of Lewis, a veteran Gaelic broadcaster and host of a daily program on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.
“We’re delighted by the number of competitors attracted to these competitions, which really test your abilities in spoken Gaelic,” said Liam Ó Caiside. “Our Scottish guests are always surprised by the number of competitors who show interest in storytelling in particular, and take the time to learn and learn to tell complex traditional stories. We think language arts such as storytelling and poetry are as important a part of our Mòd and Gaelic culture le as the songs we sing on Saturday.”
The sight-reading competition which he won this year is relatively new. “It’s great how many people are willing to take a crack at it, even if they have very little Gaelic. We often have five or six competitors in sight-reading alone.”
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